Calli, I'm so sorry.
Amych, you and amyth are so linked in my mind, because I remember being new and vowing to not mix you up. I also remember talking on here about reading your board names as "ah mick" and "ah myth" even though I knew you both were Amy. I remember laughing as other people said your name was clearly "ah mitch" and not "ah mick." And it's dumb and I'm not conveying it well, but it's just a sweet little memory (to me) of a fun, light board conversation at
I also remember talking on here about reading your board names as "ah mick" and "ah myth" even though I knew you both were Amy. I remember laughing as other people said your name was clearly "ah mitch" and not "ah mick."
There is also a contingent (which might just be me) (a contingent can too be 1 person!*) who reads it as Amy-chuh.
*(Okay, no it can't but I stand by my pronunciation anyway.)
And it's dumb and I'm not conveying it well, but it's just a sweet little memory (to me) of a fun, light board conversation at
It's ok, it's bittersweet to me too! And it's the smallest of all tiny hills of beans in all of this, but I am feeling the loss of my board name twin from a whole 10 miles away, and the fact that we've laughed over many years -- not at people getting us confused, but at the fact that
we ourselves
would sometimes do a double-take.
As a member of the Amys , I nominate amyth as Amy Emeritus.
Also, Cindy is not the only one who pronounces them "a-myth" and "a-mick".
It's not "ah," it's "ay." Ay-myth, Ay-mitch, Ay-skye.
There is also a contingent (which might just be me) (a contingent can too be 1 person!*) who reads it as Amy-chuh.
My inner pronunciation adds a bit and makes it Amych(ile) in a southernish version of Amy child. Amyth is totally a-myth for me. eta: or actually Ay-myth as Jesse points out.
For me, the mnemonic is "sabrists like sammitches."
And "amyth" sounds like "ay-myth"
There is also a contingent (which might just be me) (a contingent can too be 1 person!*) who reads it as Amy-chuh.
**raises hand**
Our contingent is tiny but mighty.