Update: he just took his temperature and it's 99; that seems like no big deal, but his normal temp is consistently 97, so I don't know if 2 degrees should be concerning. Probably not.
Ah, hell, Teppy, I hope it's a generic bug (and what kind of fucked-up timeline is it where I'm actively wishing for that?)
Right? "Be a random virus. Come on, random virus!" He did get a flu vaccine a month ago, and while the vaccine isn't a guarantee of 100% protection, it's still probably not the actual flu.
If I had to bet, I'd bet random low-grade virus. But I also think it wouldn't be a bad idea to get tested for Covid, since he takes immunosuppressants.
It would not be a bad idea for him to get tested, Steph.
My kid is still freaked out but we are working on it.
I am happy but not yet relieved. I know I should be. But I can't make myself celebrate until that truculent toad is ejected from the West Wing with extreme prejudice.
Timelies all!
Mr. S didn't get out of bed until almost 11 today. :shakes head: I just don't know about him sometimes.
Yep, here. {{grins}} Oh, phooey, it won't jump to the comment. It starts with the comment at 3.15am by "Seeking Second Childhood", third down from the top?
I get tested for Covid roughly every two weeks just as reference point. I want to have a known baseline so that if I do test positive I have a pretty recent last known negative result to help with contact tracing.
So yeah, if I were Tim I'd get tested.
~ma to Tim, and fingers crossed for negative results.
ltc and Peanut and Stitch should definitely all get together, but only if Matilda and Plei's L can be their minders. They owe the rest of us for how
ragged they ran all the adults at their F2F meetups at the same age.
JZ, thank you for attempting to fact-smack the idiots who showed up on my FB post. I appreciate it.
I tried. Did they just give up on responding, or were they banninated?
They were banhammered, because I got reeeeeally tired of them.
but only if Matilda and Plei's L can be their minders. They owe the rest of us for how spectacularly ragged they ran all the adults at their F2F meetups at the same age.
Ticky should not be a minder for anyone, IJS.
JZ, that sounds fantastic. I miss babysitters so much.