Matt, health~ma all around. Reasonable theory with your mom. Now that I rarely eat some things if I have them on occasion I pay a price. Bodies be annoying.
Gerrymandering in Wisconsin is criminal. 60 percent of the votes cast are Democrats and yet the state assembly is just 36 percent Democrat. After 2010, they did a number on the state and we are fucked for decades.
The state fight is one that has to happen. My own district in the state was taken by the GOP again, for the same reason. I have to say the WisDems did a fabulous job with the fundraising efforts. They had some great events. I hope they keep up the effort.
Just so tired. Everyone in my orbit is on edge and exhausted. It is rough.
Sweet story I don't know if I shared about working the polls this year. I have voted in this precinct for 35 years. For countless elections I looked forward to seeing my neighbor Calvin. We would joke about living 1/4 mile from each other and seeing each other 2-3 times a year depending on the election calendar. Calvin passed away last year so I knew I would be missing him this past election. Well, when I got our emails with instructions there were three people included on the precinct group email (8 of us) with the same last name as Calvin. I told DH it had to be relatives but I didn't recognize the names. When we arrived at the precinct we found that it was Calvin's older son, his wife, and daughter. After his dad died the house passed to his children, including a younger son who graduated with my son. Ted and his family moved into the house from Canada. With the upcoming election they decided to volunteer in his memory because it was important to him. He regretted that he had lived away from his father for so many years and I let him know how it warmed my heart to seeing him picking up the torch.