Health ~ma to your mom and cat, Matt.
Laura, that is a sweet story.
Sorry about ltc is having the miserables. On the other hand, an oatmilk chai latte sounds really good, and I hope you're enjoying it.
I have switched to decaf coffee to see if that helps my plumbing, and I think it's making a difference. And it's close enough in taste to leaded coffee that my mind is happy to be getting it still. Now we have a whole system where we program the caffeinated coffee to go first for DP's morning cup, which is 99% of the time before my first cup, then pour the rest into an insulated water bottle (coffee bottle now, I guess) and make the decaf for me. [ETA: "this whole system" might be overstating the complexity a bit]
I have a special place in my heart for this particular insulated water bottle, because DP would brew hot Earl Grey for it and bring it to me in the hospital from time to time. The tea situation in the hospital was not great, but, I mean, priorities, so no complaints. But it was nice to get that good tea and have it stay warm forEVER.
So many people came in looking for Mrs. Murphy! I was glad to be able to tell them she is OK, just not here.
That is also a sweet story. Good old Mrs Murphy!
Well, the news organizations say it's still up in the air, but Sportsbet has called it for Biden and paid out the money:
I got up early (because puppy) and went to the coffee shop and got my friends coffee. Apparently so early the dude forgot to put the milk in their lattes, annoyingly. (Didn’t realize until I got back to the hotel)
Now listening to NPR on my phone, as there’s no tv in the hotel room!
WTF, meara? Milk in the latte seems like a KEY ingredient. It's right there in the name!
Seriously! If there's one thing a latte should have, it's milk!
Have I told the story about my German teacher ordering "Cafe au lait mit keine kaffee" to get milk because she wasn't sure how to say just "milk" in French?
Well, that's pretty much it, so now I have.
But I feel like meara's barista had something like that in mind
Something that has made me feel better is the way the election process and election coverage is just rolling along in machine-like fashion even as Trump rage tweets and litigates. I think I had underestimated how well-worn those grooves were.
Yes, even Fox is ignoring his outrage with them calling states against him.
Another awesome election precinct thing, the Clerk, or big boss for the precinct was 18 years old!!! She had already done previous elections. She was so mature and capable it just was overwhelmingly satisfying to see. Step on up kiddos. Your turn!
Matt, health ~ma to your mom and your kitties.
JZ and Calli, I am so happy that you were able to reach common ground politically with your dads. I have counted it a success when I have been able to swerve the conversation with my father into gardens or home inspections: he's drunk some of the QAnon Kool-Aid, but was too ill to vote this year and his doctors are not holding out hope of his seeing another election.
It's been harder for Ken: this is normally the time of year when he's in Utah, and that's shifted over the last six years from "staying with his dad and family" to "booking an AirBnB and a rental car, and spending a day out of the two weeks with them". My ex has been Trump'ing it all over FB for the last month, and this year Ken's opted to "stay home and write about space archaeologists like a sensible human", as my best friend put it (she's a working archaeologist, his degree is in anthropology, and he consulted her on CRM issues). I am sure that the virus was a major part of the cancellation, but as Sara further said, " 'It's the Apocalypse, sure you don't want to spend some of your precious time with people who make you want to throw things?' is not a question we need to ask our children".