But she was just the sweetest calmest baby ever, and I can’t help thinking I made her this way.
Noooope, you didn't. I'm pretty sure that this is LTC flailing with how to handle big emotions as she grows, and she doesn't have language and tools to say thing like
"I'm upset and I don't know why".
(Hi, my youngest goddaughter went through this, and it was HARD on her mom.)
Thanks, Maria. We just had another meeting with my boss and he is clearly trying to make it easier on us but it's just . . . there's a big gap between what we do now and what our new VP wants us to be doing and I'm not sure anyone but him really has a clear picture of what it's going to look like when we get there. If we get there. Bah. And, you know, this time of year is always just wildly busy under normal circumstances so it's not like we can afford to just stop everything and start again from scratch.
CNN says Biden has Michigan.
I have also completely lost track of what day it is. Although we are approximately 65 days into this week, it is somehow Wednesday.
I was already shaky from lack of sleep, and now I’m extra shaky from the horrible tantrum.
Emmett had a full on body rage tantrum once a day from about 18 months to 2 1/2. And even then it only slowed down gradually until he was 4. At which point he started to mellow down a bit and just got more and more fun minus a few surly dips in adolescence.
It was exhausting. But strong willed kids are just trying to effect their will on their world, and that's the only way they've got. It's just her age, sj, and it will get better.
AP hasn't called Michigan yet, though.
NYT also says Biden has Michigan.
Even Fox is saying Biden won Michigan, FWIW. Which I'm finding interesting - I figured they'd jump on Trump's claims that he's won, but they're sticking reasonably close to the official counts.
Sorry. I didn’t mean to whine and run. TCG came home for a few minutes and we explained to ltc that apologizing after such an epic tantrum was not sufficient to get tv time back. There are consequences. Then we retired to our corners. I finished reading a book and ltc did a yoga video which was the only tv I would allow her to have. Then we read a chapter of one of her Ramona books. Now we’re having dinner.
I was honestly hopeful we would avoid the huge tantrums because she didn’t really have them at 2 or 3, and she has a huge vocabulary and is perfectly capable of explaining her grievances to us.
Thanks for all the sympathy and similar stories. They help.