My country disappoints me.
Yeah. I'm starting to realize that without the pandemic Trump would have easily won re-election.
I don't know how it'll pan out, but at the moment it looks like a narrow win for Biden, but Dems won't take the Senate. So that will really impede Biden's ability to respond to the multiple crises in play.
Still. That would be better than Trump winning. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Come through Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania!
Yeah, a Biden presidency with a Republican senate would help us stop shooting ourselves in the feet further. Which was not my ideal scenario 24 hours ago (you couldn’t keep it in your pants, Cunningham?), but it’s now my hope.
Speaking of small hopes, the Orange Menace is trying to declare victory before the PA ballot count is finished, which makes me think it might not go his way.
So not the morning I wanted to wake up to.
On top of that, dear friends are being evicted because repeated identity theft attacks have drained their bank accounts, (temporarily) wrecked their credit rating, and their landlord is out of patience with their missed rent payments.
I'll be over here in the corner screaming silently.
My country disappoints me. This should be easy. But we have racism, misogyny, classism, greed and so many characteristics that make me give up.
I just looked at my county results and we have 95k out of ~250k ballots not counted yet. It’s probably not going to make a difference to get those ballots counted, although honestly who knows with the propositions, but that’s just a big number.
Oh, Theo! How terrible! I’m so sorry for your friends
So demoralizing to realize that people and things you love are not valued by half the country. One thing to know it and then another thing to see it in numbers. Going to shower and take my BURN IT ALL DOWN attitude to work. FUCK THIS SHIT.
One thing to know it and then another thing to see it in numbers.
Yes. So many people ok with so much wrong.
Which is all, frankly, 99% bullshit. How could I leave?
This election appears to be grabbing me by the pussy once again and then forcefully slamming me into the sidewalk face first. I’m not feeling that much loyalty.
It's not loyalty to the country, just to my 77-year-old mom, with a side of having watched Matilda lose so much of her resilience and joy over the last year and being unwilling to make everything worse by uprooting her from everything familiar.
So to distract myself from everything I called Met Life to get an auto insurance quote wondering how much more they would want me to pay. I get a discount from work for being with them but figured it can't be that much more of an improvement--
I'll be saving $50. Before they factored in my car accident it was a bigger discount (but still much higher than what I was paying in NC) but that's ok. Because I'm saving money. And it's a tiny bright spot in the day and I'm taking it.
I just am non-functional this morning. I am filled with rage and hatred over my fellow man being able to vote for Trump at all, much less in majority of my state. My mind is too foggy to even get a clear sense of the Senate situation. Also, all stuffed up and can't breathe this morning. Not cool, body.