meara, apparently both Greece and Italy are hurting for residents--you can get permanent residency in either place, even without ancestry there, fairly easily.
I think Greece is my only other option on the planet for outright citizenship, remote though it be--I'm very good at what I do, but what I do is common enough, and my own skill level is dependent enough on having been with one specific CA-based employer for so many years, that I'm not eligible to immigrate anywhere else on earth as a work-permit-holding productive resident with a path to citizenship, only an expat layabout living off the funds available to me since the current occupant killed my father.
But then I think of all the work I've put in on anti-racist eduction and community support, and I feel like shit for even thinking about fleeing because of all the people who don't even have that as an option.
Yeah, we could go to Canada but also can't leave Baltimore.
I have no options to move. All my great grand parents and most of my great great grandparents (I assume, maybe all of them) were born in the US. I have no skills. So this is it.
Ok so I've just had an exchange with Joe Morvasky on Twitter (American Ninja Warrior dude) and he tried to pull the "maybe Trump acts like a bully becaue the media and social media bully him" and nope. not letting that go.
Although my grandparents totally expected to someday go back to Russia I don’t think that is either a viable option or a good idea. I wouldn’t mind going somewhere, though. I’m not really doing a lot of good here.
woot! and thanks for the new buttons at the bottom!
85% reporting in District 22 with Devin Nunes trailing. So that's good. I hate that guy so much.
85% reporting in District 22 with Devin Nunes trailing. So that's good. I hate that guy so much.
Oooh, me too! I really hate that fucker. That's a bit of bitter satisfaction on an inconclusive night.
I guess there's no real reason for me to continue to be awake, but I'm all wound up
Which is all, frankly, 99% bullshit. How could I leave?
This election appears to be grabbing me by the pussy once again and then forcefully slamming me into the sidewalk face first. I’m not feeling that much loyalty.
I’m definitely embracing the squeeze the most moral and legal money possible from the govt but I’m about to embrace committing to something far more nomadic. This is my vehicle and and we all sleep here.
Maybe Biden will win. If he does, I’m willing to work hard for public health and the betterment of peeps. But Trump? Over his racist, misogynistic, classist game. I’ve seen his goals and we disagree.
My country disappoints me. This should be easy. But we have racism, misogyny, classism, greed and so many characteristics that make me give up.