In non election news I found at work my favorite assistant manager isn't with the store anymore. It happened really fast but she was promoted to store manager of a nearby store and that store manager took her place--basically they swapped jobs. The Old Manager now New Assistant had a baby in the spring & I guess wanted to step down from being store manger for now bc of it. So that makes sense. And My Old Assistant Manager now Store Manager covered her in the spring so they were able to put someone in place as manager the team at that store knows.
But it 's change and change is hard.
I feel sick, and angry--less shocked than in 2016, but
more angry. I pray that the current projections are wrong, and that PA and MI turn, but people have no fucking excuse this time, none at all.
I'm seriously looking at real estate in Greece--with two immigrant grandparents and the ability to purchase land there (thanks to the current occupant's criminal mishandling of the pandemic having contributed to my father's death and my inheritance of a third of his estate), I have an easy path to permanent residence and a narrow but workable path to dual citizenship and access to the entire EU, with Hec and Matilda through me.
Which is all, frankly, 99% bullshit. How could I leave? I can't leave. But I fucking hate these people. And I'm not easily given to hate.
I'm holding on to Arizona going blue. If we can hold Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that will be enough.
If not....fuck this fucking country.
It's so infuriating that it's even close considering how absolutely terrible and outmatched Trump has been for his entire presidency.
538 is pointing out that in any other democracy this would be a blowout in favor of Biden, but the Electoral College makes it possible for Trump to win.
Okay, I think it's Ambien time for me. There's too much that won't be known tonight, and I'm definitely at the point of just spinning myself up.
My friend who is a journalist is saying we likely won’t know until Thursday. Get sleep.
I’m also trying not to panic but it’s early here. Am at least with friends. Ugh.
JZ totally get it. If I had a way to get citizenship or residency anywhere else I would. (Any foreigners or folks with other citizenship want to get married?)
An American Ninja Warrior responded to me on twitter. I would be excited but he .. supports Trump .. so gross. Although I totally got the Trump supporter vibe from him.
I don't think any races should be called until all the votes are in.
I went to sleep thinking Gore had won, only to wake up and find out he.. conceded. On the little map from Google Montana keeps flipping as the votes count
The popular vote is killing me. How did 48 million people vote for that man? How is that possible?
meara, apparently both Greece and Italy are hurting for residents--you can get permanent residency in either place, even without ancestry there, fairly easily.
I think Greece is my only other option on the planet for outright citizenship, remote though it be--I'm very good at what I do, but what I do is common enough, and my own skill level is dependent enough on having been with one specific CA-based employer for so many years, that I'm not eligible to immigrate anywhere else on earth as a work-permit-holding productive resident with a path to citizenship, only an expat layabout living off the funds available to me since the current occupant killed my father.
But then I think of all the work I've put in on anti-racist eduction and community support, and I feel like shit for even thinking about fleeing because of all the people who don't even have that as an option.