So I'm looking at the results and how many votes are counted, I am assuming this is for in person voting. I know SC was going to start counting absentee /early votes starting this morning.
But there were 1,274,000 absentee ballots returned (about 97% of those sent) and another 852,000 voted absentee in person (that's what I did).
Right now Graham is leading Harrison but that's with 28% reporting and there is less than 800,000 votes total in right now.
I’m on my 3rd margarita. Fucking McConnell. He has such a karmic ass bite coming for turning senate legislation into a blood sport.
Fucking McConnell. He has such a karmic ass bite coming for turning senate legislation into a blood sport.
I'll just keep hoping the Senate flips and that motherfucker has to face Warren as Majority Leader.
Wow, new board! Nice. It's been a long time.
Wore pearls to do yard work today and pretty much replicated a Thai coconut soup. I skipped to Wed. AM in 2016. I can't hold out that long on this one. Might finish watching Queen's Gambit instead of stress watching Rachel and the crew.
'll just keep hoping the Senate flips and that motherfucker has to face Warren as Majority Leader.
From your fingertips to the gods' ears.
Maybe he'll be forced to step down due to health problems. I feel shitty about saying that.
Ilhan Omar won re-election, so fuck all of the racists that hate her.
Robert Gibbs on msnbc, " This point in 2016, I hadn't even gotten the tequila out yet "
I told myself I wasn't going to watch the results tonight because we may not actually know who wins for a week because of all the mail-in ballots this year, but of course I'm watching and stressing out.
The most frustrating thing is the states all handle when they count early and mail-in votes differently, so it's really difficult to know how much the current results could change.
Milwaukee just announced they won't be done counting until 5am at the earliest. It's going to be long night for a lot of vote counters.