I told myself I wasn't going to watch the results tonight because we may not actually know who wins for a week because of all the mail-in ballots this year, but of course I'm watching and stressing out.
The most frustrating thing is the states all handle when they count early and mail-in votes differently, so it's really difficult to know how much the current results could change.
Milwaukee just announced they won't be done counting until 5am at the earliest. It's going to be long night for a lot of vote counters.
I'm watching The Wedding Planner (it was on Netflix). This movie is terrible. I hate everyone in it. Still, I'm gonna watch the whole thing. There may also be wine involved.
Fucking Lindsay Graham kept his seat in SC.
I've got a bad feeling about this.
OTOH, I don't really have a rational reason for it yet.
Boo! None of these snivelling Trump lackeys are paying for it.
I've had a bad feeling since this morning, and it's not getting any better.
Oh hey! There are "Read New" and "Message Center" links above the posting box now! Thanks, Gud!!! You've made our home so spiffy!
Just a placeholder until putting in a more permanent solution.
Meadows went to a 25 year old white dude racist with no experience, not that anyone needs experience.
So I've seen some tweets where people are freaking out because some election betting site has Trump winning. I guess they were accurate in 2016 so that makes them accurate now? I don't know what to think about anything.
Sweet placeholders!
I remembered I had Archer to catch up on, so that's distracting me a little. The maps are not making me happy right now.