Yes, thank you for all the hard work and the continuing work, too.
I'm going to try to stay away from doomscrolling and sharing too much election news, but I did hear that Dixville Notch NH (which votes at 12:01 AM, traditionally) all went for Biden.
Thank you, Gud. I hope you're taking care of yourself.
It took me a while to get in to the new board. It's been a long time since I needed to use my password, and it took a while to remember.
I'm in the mobile site fine, but I can't get in on my laptop using the same ID/password. I got into the .me site okay yesterday.
I think it's not saving my login either. I had to lig in again on my phone even though it was supposed to remember me.
Thank you, Gud. Such an amazing amount of work! Thank you too, Gris!
The site is easier on mobile but the font is a little light on the computer but I guess I'm getting used to it.
M voted today. Only took him about 1.5 hrs. I should have gone with him and stood in line for him while he waited in the car. He came home and had to take a muscle relaxer because his back spasms.
Six fun sized almond joys is a healthy Election Day breakfast, right?
Sure, flea. Six almonds is the perfect amount of something, so 6 almond joys is probably the perfect amount
No, that's incomplete. There must also be some form of caffeine.
Breakfast of Champions: A Snickers bar and a can of Coca-Cola.
Chocolate has caffeine
Although I like your breakfast of champions, dcp
Didn't think through that whole "don't buy Halloween candy since I won't have trick or treaters" decision
Six fun sized almond joys is a healthy Election Day breakfast, right?
I vote yes. (See what I did there?)
The mobile experience is so amazing now, Gud. Which is not to say the laptop ain't grand, too, because it is, but, wow, the mobile is so different and great.
I am here while performing my official deputy duties. Had a dozen people at poll opening but very sporadic since then. Fabulous weather and I am outside so a perfect day.