Relatedly, does anyone want a sweet-tempered, tall, turns 18 in August 2021, assistant/guest/nanny/etc. next year? Working on driving. Cooks. Doesn't do homework.
Tempting! We might have an extra room by then. Driving NSM an issue in SF. Homework even less so.
Poor, Matilda.
Thankfully, it doesn't look like she'll have to dissect a fetal pig any time soon.
Relatedly, does anyone want a sweet-tempered, tall, turns 18 in August 2021, assistant/guest/nanny/etc. next year? Working on driving. Cooks. Doesn't do homework.
Wow, this looks great on my phone. Amazing.
Question, I didn't sign up for the card exchange last year because of the personal message requirement, and we do picture cards that usually don't have a space for that. After I didn't sign up people said I could have sent those. So, are picture cards okay? Cute picture cards of ltc.
I am going to be uncharacteristically BOSSY and say YES! pic cards are a GO!
I filled out the form, msbelle, but FYI, I couldn't get the return to work in the address section, sorry! I put the address in anyway, and I'm updated on the Master List, too.
Thanks for arranging!
Theo, I'm so sorry about Debra's passing: it sounds like it was a complete shock to everyone. I never met her but I enjoyed her work and followed her on LJ/DW.
in other terrible news, Rachel Caine died this weekend -- she was known in fandom as Roxanne Conrad but she also wrote several fun urban fantasy series. I'd been reading her work for years, and only learned recently that she was struggling with cancer.
It's been a shitty weekend for SFF fandom.
NGL, flea, with a year-and-a-half old and no access to out-of-household childcare, a captive, non-driving 18 year old sounds hella useful. We even have a separate-entrance in-law suite downstairs.
We should probably put together our cards for this year, but, theres not a surfeit of energy around here (except from the toddler)
The new board is weirdly white (I had my CSS set to grey), but verra nice.