I'm sorry to hear about so many entitled adult kids living rent free being so persnickety about having to do some dishes. I'm sure I myself would take on that chore to demonstrate my fervent gratitude about having a roof over my head when times are hard.
You'd honestly think. But, no, even if they aren't *your* kids, it still doesn't work that way. I thought I'd learned that lesson. I think I have now.
Agreed. Dishes and taking out the kitchen trash are all that matters.
Nothing that will be stank upon return and you are good.
I think the GOP establishment got what they wanted from Trump, the SCOTUS, and they are not going to put themselves at risk by doing a lot of illegal things to hand him the election. If he clearly wins, fine, but of he wants to do a lot of shady legal maneuvering to cheat his way in, they are not going to support him. He is now more a detriment than a boon to the party, and they have their eyes on their own elections.
Not that it's news but Scrappy is wise.
Those English muffins looked so good.
I'm filling my ballot tonight and dropping it off tomorrow depending on their hours.
I'm trying to be an upstanding (getting there at least five minutes before my start instead of five after, that's really my only true slack but it's such a visible one) employee but feel like I'm dropping the ball on too much. Not really at work but I'm exhausted so it affects work. I'm not even consciously stressing about the election. I think I'm probably pushing everything down. I sold a car, painting a house interior, paid property taxes. I have the most reaction to the painting. This is, historically in my brain's nonneurotypicalness, bad. I only came to that conclusion a couple of hours ago. Also I need a fence.
I would totally trade for homemade English muffins! Where's the adaptor for "sending things through the tubes"?
I would also like some butter chicken, please and thank you.
Alla y'all with the fancy food that sounds so good! I seem to be skipping dinner - that slice was pretty big and I'm just rolling with the not-that-hungry vibe. Will probably regret it in the morning, but so it goes.
((Cass)) I hope you can get some restful rest and a fence.
Yeah, I think going to bed soon is good.
Finish voting tomorrow.
Had fun beginning the explanation of the "I do not understand this part of myself at all" way where I'm at to the Boy. He basically said to tuck myself into bed and tell him even more tomorrow. Sweet.
And offered to pup sit if I needed to go put my brain in a slightly distant place for a night or two. I cannot even explain how much that meant to me.
The Boy sounds wonderful, Cass.
Perfect, Cass. I hope renewing rest happened.
Dinner last night was piccata snapper over spiraled butternut squash and was super yummy. The only way I can keep DH on a diet is to make sure we eat 3 meals a day at home. No eating out and no snack food is key here. He can polish off large bags of chips or whole pizzas if he gets hungry. Trying to break the don't eat all day long and make up for it and then some late at night. One week in and I am down 6 lbs and him double that. (He drops absurdly fast, probably because of his overall size) Oatmeal for breakfast, salads for lunch, tasty dinner. No take out or junk. Fortunately I like to cook! And I don't care if he doesn't get to the dishes immediately. (except oatmeal bowls because that shit turns to concrete if left a few minutes)
First weeks are often dramatic. But I am encouraged because we are eating three very nice meals a day without caring about calorie count. No junk and high fiber/protein/MUFA, but not starving ourselves at all. I'm still drinking my wine, because really have you seen this world we live in?
If I drank I'd have already started by now this morning!
In Arkansas only about 31% of registered voters have already voted at last count, but that's a percent shy of double the amount in 2016. Alas, it's holding to our average of about 60% Republican. Trump and Cotton are unassailable here, though I'll feel some consolation if there are significant numbers of Republicans who vote against the former in protest.