Boston schools had to push their in-person reopening (for hybrid learning for students w/out special needs) from October 15th to at least October 22, because the positive test rate in the city is now 4.1%. [link]
I have to go get my flu shot. I keep forgetting. My youngest son got his yesterday, during his annual physical. I'm going to drag my husband and daughter with me. Our oldest son has his own place again, so I'll have to nag him via text.
Timelies all!
Hugs to all who need/want them.
Well, crap. I'm running a slight fever again. Pretty tired of this.
You need to give yourself TIME to get better, Gud. Get to a doctor and take time off, in bed, resting and recovering. Go to the ER if that is what it takes. If you don't give it the time you will continue to relapse.
Gud, sorry for skipping or skimming, but did you get tested for COVID?
I have some weird eye infection, which I think is sort of an indirect effect of quarantine (not wearing makeup leads to somewhat sloppy nighttime routine and less face-washing, leading to infected eyelash follicle). It's pretty uncomfortable and is giving me a headache, so I'm taking the day off. Which is weird because it's just like a work day except I'm not working. But I'm still drinking tea and reading my laptop.
I've been tested for COVID a couple of times and have been negative.
Probably some less exciting problem, like a UTI that isn't doing anything but giving you a fever? Probably worth seeing Urgent Care about, in case it's something more serious.
Speaking of less-than-exciting physical problems, my ankle is some better, but still swollen and painy on going down stairs. The next time someone in a book or movie sprains their ankle and is all better the next day/scene, I'm going to look Very Askance at them.
Note to self: just because you CAN work through the pain doesn't mean it's a good idea to do it. Pain is one of those signals that you should pay attention to.
I meant to ask how your ankle was doing, Theo. Sprains do seem to take forever to heal.
Sorry the fever is back, Gud. That must be frustrating.
Sprained ankles are such a pain.
I'm not a fan of fevers either. Could you maybe do a teledoc visit, Gud? I don't like that it's recurred on you. Glad about the negative tests, though.