I'm saving my sympathy for all the people who are forced to deal with the public and the mask refusing public who believe Trump's lies.
No doubt. It is good to hear you are in a safer spot for work now, askye.
Trump does need to stay alive through the election so we don't have further chaos. Or an excuse to delay the election.
I'm surprised Trump is admitting he has covid so I am thinking there is some political reason for him to do this.
But man I didn't check the news and there was revelations of sexual harassment, Hope Hicks, Trump etc have covid, Melania's phone call gets leaked with her not caring about detained children or Christmas decorations (which I don't really care that she doesn't care about decorating for Christmas). And I feel like I've missed something....
Oh yeah the grifters Wohl and whoever were charger with felonies.
It is deeply uncharitable of me, but my first thought was "And now no one is talking about the debate." I put NOTHING beyond what this President would do, but two weeks without public adoration-fests (his rallies) or golf I think might be beyond what he would do for a Hail Mary. Who knows though, there is no bottom.
I have no charitable thoughts about Trump, but I do feel for the innocents that have contact with him and his circle. This really is the tip of the iceberg here. Who knows how many will be infected via this current infection.
DH missed his flight this morning. He called me at 5:30 AM, from home, crying that he couldn't find the key for his rental car, and he thought his flight was at 8, when it was at 6:30, and in a panic. Me, being a never panic person by nature, said 1. forget the key you can find it later 2. you haven't slept 6 hours total in the last 4 days, go to bed 3. clearly you were not meant to fly today.
He did stay up long enough to find the key and call the airline. They moved him to tomorrow with no charge and he is now asleep. I hope he turned off his phone. Honestly, I didn't want him traveling on zero sleep in super stress mode. I believe his immunity would be compromised. He gets constant medical care, and just tested negative again a few days ago, but he has to stop burning the candle at both ends.
Oh wow I went to bed right before that trump news dropped! And cynically I feel like y'all are right and it's very convient he shouldn't be debating anyone for a few weeks...and also he probably thinks if he can say "I had it, it was mild, I got better, so don't be afraid of it"....ugh.
My cynical self wonders if it is a way of capturing the news cycle away from the horrible debate performance, or the vile Melania tapes.
NGL, I did a little dance.
I'll believe he has it when I see ICU footage of him with a respirator inflating and deflating him like a bellows.
If he stops tweeting, then we'll know it's serious.
I'll believe he has it when I see ICU footage of him with a respirator inflating and deflating him like a bellows.
There's a happy thought! I have completely given up on my karma.
Poor Laura's DH! Sounds like he needs the sleep.