They have a much better understanding of the disease and better tools to treat it now than they did.
True, but even with good treatment, Covid is brutal for people in Trump's age range and less than stellar health.
t edit
And that age range includes Biden as well, though he seems to be in better overall health than Trump.
I hope Joe washed his face and hands as soon as he got offstage...
And gargled with Listerine, and used some saline nasal spray, and puts his rosary beads to good use.
OK I'm going to bed. World, stop having important news for seven hours!
She's breaking out the good scotch. I saw it on the Twitters.
Melania and Donald Trump have tested positive for coronavirus.
Should have worn a freaking mask and asked that all others around them did as well. Maybe we wouldn't see so many US deaths much less worldwide if we'd listened to the scientists and done something that showed humans, beyond ourself, were worth protecting.
Now I can get to sleep.
I don't wish disease on anyone who doesn't know better (since they did, and let's be kind, since at least early February) and didn't know how to protect themselves AND OTHERS (we do, wear a mask, wash your hands, physically isolate) so the people playing chicken with the train carrying Covid-19 virus?
You chose poorly.
How badly do I want Hope Hicks to have infected 45? So badly, I must admit.
Sorry, not sorry, for feeling the same.
How cynical have I become that my first thought was he was lying in a last ditch effort for sympathy.
Up, coffee made, animals fed, and settled in to work. DH missed his flight so a more relaxing day for both of us. And now I can watch all this insanity on the news.
October surprise.
Trump had access to some of the best epidemiology advice tax money can buy, and he chose to disregard it due to optics. I'm saving my sympathy for grocery store workers who have to choose between potential exposure and homelessness.
People with recent close contact, Stephen Miller, Amy Coney Barrett, Mitch McConnell. The contact tracing team must be busy.
I'm saving my sympathy for all the people who are forced to deal with the public and the mask refusing public who believe Trump's lies.
At work it looks like I'll be doing fufillment of orders but processing them (packaging them up) not my ideal chicken but it does keep me away from customers. I mean I do have to handle all the products but a lot of it just sits on racks or shelves until someone grabs it for fufillment so it's definitely a decrease in exposure .
Although all the good procedures we had in place during the pressure test have evaporated and now we are falling into bad habits.
Th supervisor for this was trying to explain to someone why it was so important to keep up the higher standards and he stopped and said "I bet A knows why" and I said "yeah, because it's better to be in the habit now instead of waiting until it's really busy and trying to undo all our bad habits and relearn a better process."
Which is the right answer. And something I have to keep telling people when they complain about all the extra things we do that we "don't need to".
I'm saving my sympathy for all the people who are forced to deal with the public and the mask refusing public who believe Trump's lies.
No doubt. It is good to hear you are in a safer spot for work now, askye.
Trump does need to stay alive through the election so we don't have further chaos. Or an excuse to delay the election.