Yay, msbelle!
That seems like a long time for flu shot side effects to last.
That does seem like a long time.
Nice day, sj! I hope you also have leftovers.
I don't usually decorate for Halloween, but I think I'm going to walk over to Target and see what they have in stock.
Dana, my husband got the flu shot a week ago and was saying on Friday (I think) that he thought he was still having a reaction to it, mainly fatigue and muscle aches.
flu shot
I got mine on the 22nd, had no issues for 24 hours, then the injection site got sore. The soreness lasted another 24 hours, then faded away.
It was unusual for me, and got my attention, because I normally have no reaction at all.
Jesse, I don't think I'll need to cook again this week.
No reaction to my shot on the 23rd, but then I never have a reaction to flu shots.
In other shot news, shots were fired on the street in front of my building about 1:30 this morning, and someone was hit in the hip. Funny how there are six bars/clubs on this block, but the same one always seems to be the source of any violence or public disturbance.
I got the flu shot on Friday, but I feel fine. I was planning to bake fruitcake today but I'm going out for lobster rolls (!) with my sister this afternoon and the cake has to be in the oven for 2 hours. So I think it will have to wait until this evening.
There's lots of stuff to do around the house but I just did a 5-mile run and I just want to laze around...
Yikes, Matt.
Jesse, I don't think I'll need to cook again this week.
I am feeling almost msbelle-level, as I just wrote voter postcards while my cake is cooling....
I will give it another day then, and not jump straight to weird COVID symptoms.
Dana, I also got my shot on the 23rd and felt kind of not-quite-sick-but-not-right yesterday (chills, mostly, although your prickling description is apt) and not great today. I hadn't thought of the a reaction to the shot, but that could be it.
I'm lazing about sipping coffee in hopes that I will magically feel better soon, basically.
I usually feel kind of blah and have a low-grade fever (like hovering around 99.5) for at least three or four days after a flu shot, but my immune system is kind of a mess to begin with.