Dana, I also got my shot on the 23rd and felt kind of not-quite-sick-but-not-right yesterday (chills, mostly, although your prickling description is apt) and not great today. I hadn't thought of the a reaction to the shot, but that could be it.
I'm lazing about sipping coffee in hopes that I will magically feel better soon, basically.
I usually feel kind of blah and have a low-grade fever (like hovering around 99.5) for at least three or four days after a flu shot, but my immune system is kind of a mess to begin with.
Y'all, I am so tired of managing my mother's emotions. So. Tired.
Aw, Jesse, I'm sorry. That's hard. Is there something nice and low-effort you can do for yourself?
Eh, it's OK. I was thinking I would love to take a proper week off, but I'd just have to spend it with her! Oh well.
Jesse, can you find an Air BNB somewhere in western MA or Maine? You deserve some down time.
I had a very tasty lobster roll! And I bought some (more) wine. Now I have yard work to do but it's too hot out so I'm surfing Youtube and reading the NYTimes article on Trump's taxes -- they got 17 YEARS worth of taxes. It's shocking and appalling.
Because, get this, I know you'll be shocked, He's been lying about his money and he's actually horribly in debt.
Also shocking, he's both a terrible businessman and a giant crook.
Jesse, can you find an Air BNB somewhere in western MA or Maine? You deserve some down time.
I don't drive! So I am kind of stuck, although obviously I could take public transportation and it might actually be worth it at this point.
Bus and Uber? be nice to yourself.