Not exactly, but similar. Last night I spoke to mom and sis in Louisville about having gas and charged phones and a go bag ready in case they should need to leave quickly. And I've talked to dad and step mom in San Francisco similarly re: the fires. And while I've made similar preparations during hurricanes and blizzards it's occurring to me that some cash, a few days of meds, etc in one place might be wise.
I'd been planning to drive out to NJ for Thanksgiving and then stay until maybe New Years, but my mom now wants me to consider driving there before the election, just in case there's civil unrest.
I'd been planning to drive out to NJ for Thanksgiving and then stay until maybe New Years, but my mom now wants me to consider driving there before the election, just in case there's civil unrest.
My first reaction was to say "Not in *your* neighborhood!" but this fucking year has blown every expectation I have of what "normal" is out of the water. I still feel like your neighborhood will be fine, but at this point I also feel like there's nothing wrong with exercising caution, either.
t edit
I'm also not super worried about Northside, but then again, my expectation of "normal" is really fucked up at this point.
My first reaction was to say "Not in *your* neighborhood!" but this fucking year has blown every expectation I have of what "normal" is out of the water. I still feel like your neighborhood will be fine, but at this point I also feel like there's nothing wrong with exercising caution, either.
Yeah, I'm more worried about all those parts of Ohio and Pennsylvania that I'd have to drive through on the way to NJ for Thanksgiving.
Yeah, I'm more worried about all those parts of Ohio and Pennsylvania that I'd have to drive through on the way to NJ for Thanksgiving.
Oh, yikes. I didn't even think about that. Yeah, I can definitely see where heading back to NJ early might be a good idea.
The first couple hours of that drive are kind of creepy. All those billboards about how everyone's going to hell.
Yeah, all that in between part is where I'd be worried. For some reason the time gap between Election Day and Thanksgiving was seeming like a long time in my head, but it really isn't, is it?
I am considering self-quarantining in advance and staying at my parents' for several days over Thanksgiving. Heck, I'm wfh, I could stretch it out if I want. Hm.
Thanksgiving, man, I don't know. I think there will be 3 of us. Maybe a roasted chicken?
God luck with the IRS stuff, shrift and Dana.
When I have small groups for Thanksgiving I usually do Cornish hens. Everyone gets a teeny tiny drumstick.
I had a dream last night that my parents were alive, I was in my 20s, and Vladimir Putin claimed we were his cousins. He brought us all to St. Petersburg and I used my mutant powers (suddenly, in dream logic, I was a mutant) to escape my handlers and see the "real Russia". Which had a lot more trashy tv shows than waking me would expect. Anyway, the next time I went out, cousin Vlad sent a mutant as part of my security detail to keep up with me. And after I went home I was like, "Nice to know you're cool enough with mutants to hire them." Him: I'm what now? Me: You know, to keep my mutant powers in check? Him: Your what now? And then he was like whatever and we sat down to watch Judge Judy eviscerate a reality tv show host who'd loosed killer hornets at a kids birthday party. They showed video footage of the hornets at the party and Cousin Vlad laughed and laughed.
Then I woke up.
John Mulaney voice: Now we don't have time to unpack all that.
So I'll just sum up with: most 2020 dream ever.
And there's only one teeny hole I can easily patch. Win!
Yay! So much better than full copper rewire.
I know it's a little thing, but having all these work people know my cell number now is going to be an unending source of annoyance in the future...
Yes, almost all my doctors have my cell number because they may text me at odd hours. The balance is that I have theirs too! Really they only text if they have an issue, so I deal. I changed my landline phone number to my cell probably more than a decade ago. I don't remember having a land line. My work phones have been IP phones for a good long while too so they travel with me.
Well shrift, if you weren't one of the 1% raking in 10s of millions a year you wouldn't have these issues! Seriously, the IRS is kind of a hot mess and makes mistakes. I hope it is resolved quickly and without too much hassle.
I'd been planning to drive out to NJ for Thanksgiving and then stay until maybe New Years, but my mom now wants me to consider driving there before the election, just in case there's civil unrest.
I'd want my kids with me for the same reason, but not happening. Last time around I spent a couple days in shock on the couch unable to function. I'll be stocked up with provisions prepared to stay holed up for some time.
For some reason the time gap between Election Day and Thanksgiving was seeming like a long time in my head, but it really isn't, is it?
And in between, on the 14th is my DIL's baby shower. I am dreading that, which is doubly sad because I should be excited about it. I don't want to be in a gathering, even one outside. I don't want to socialize with Trumpsters, which includes many of the guests. Mostly at this point I am trying to not think about it.
Calli, that dream sounds way more entertaining that stuff that kept me awake last night. Well done!
I don't want to think about Thanksgiving because it means black friday but also it means trying to avoid Thanksgiving dinner with M"s not really socially distancing, Trump supporting, covid semi denying family and I don't want to.
But I've been avoiding going over there as much as possible so I don't know how it would seem if I skipped Thanksgiving.