I swore to myself that I wasn't going do any political volunteering this election because of the way the Wisconsin Democratic Coordinated Campaign treated me last year. But a state assembly person--not even my district but I love her--asked me personally to coordinate some phone banking for her.
Ugh. I couldn't say no. She's awesome and we're using an easy program.
So I cam home last night to organize the phone bank and the zoom call before hand and *poof* I couldn't access that database I needed, the training video wouldn't play on my 10 year old laptop and I couldn't get the phone bank running.
I ended up buying a new laptop today.
Now to get some local people to actually sign up.
I keep thinking, "what would msbelle do?" And I keep moving forward.
The nice thing about ACE bandages is that you can tailor tight-loose to where you need the pressure and where you don't.
I'm with Laura, and maybe Zen, on avoidance. I'm actually cultivating numb because the alternative is so distressing. I don't follow news. I am on FB, mostly for a few special interest groups (tarot, zen, environment, fandom, etc.) I belong to, and avoid "news" as much as I can. Those of you who read my feed know I don't really manage all that well. But I do stay off news sites--just can't handle it.
I'm actually resigned to Emperor T until I die, or he does. Of course if he goes first his dynasty will just step up, one at a time, dear leeder is dead, long live the successor. I hope I go first. I don't want the animals I love, and the ones I'm skeered of and the ones that squick me to die, along with more millions of humans, of famine and heat death and raging pandemics. I don't want to see science and literature, and honor and decency subsumed by greed and venality in every walk of life. I don't want education and possibility and hope to become endless indoctrination and slavery to capitalism. I hope I'm gone before any of that happens. Because right now? It seems pretty inevitable. I'm just trying not to think about it.
And...you're truly awesome, Cash, as is msbelle, as are all of you in one way or another. You are the ones who renew my hope.
Doing an actual show has done wonders for my mood. And the show essentially being a Fannie Lou Hamer rally doesn't hurt. Between Friday-Monday I applied to be an election judge, I contributed to many many campaigns and I ordered 100 postcards to send to voters.
I signed up for this training to fight T's coup: [link]
Skinner's current mood - [link]
Doing an actual show has done wonders for my mood. And the show essentially being a Fannie Lou Hamer rally doesn't hurt. Between Friday-Monday I applied to be an election judge, I contributed to many many campaigns and I ordered 100 postcards to send to voters.
All good things!
Interesting, Consuela. I can't do the training but await with interest your reports about it.
I'm with Skinner
Also, working and could not help but think as I dragged myself to the living room "Again? I worked yesterday..."
Also, working and could not help but think as I dragged myself to the living room "Again? I worked yesterday..."
I have in fact said "Gaaaaaaah, my work is requiring me to work!"
I have in fact said "Gaaaaaaah, my work is requiring me to work!"
I always liked Matt Groening's pre-Simpsons greeting card on the subject: "They made me do things I didn't particularly want to do!"
Theodosia, I used to sprain my ankles all the time. Ouch! It can really hurt. When you can, remembering RICE: rest, ice, compression, elevation. Regarding elevation, when you can, have your foot higher than your heart.
Here's a good video on how to do a figure-8 wrap with an ACE bandage. It's pretty straight-forward.
Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon.
I've been coming in to the office all along ... there have been any number of days I would have preferred to stay home, but I do serve a purpose here and it does give my days structure. And, all along, I've been handling the mail, getting checks and invoices processed ... and we had a BAD leak which I reported right away and it was fixed quickly, so it's a good thing. Commuting has been fairly easy, since there are still so few people riding.