Timelies all!
2020 keeps on sucking.
Mr. S has been a trial lately. We brought a whole bunch of toys and his tablet to my MIL's house last night and this morning to keep him occupied, and he keeps saying he's bored and causes mischief. At least we're able to hear the services while dealing with him. If services were held normally one of us would be out in the lobby with him at all times, missing the prayers.
Plus he woke up in the middle of the night with a nightmare, which doesn't help anybody's mood.
just sent 200 texts for GOTV in Michigan, yay. Now I will clean house while I wait for responses.
Collins says whoever wins the election should appoint the next justice. I just don't know if I'm convinced that she'll stick to that, or if she'll turn around later and be like, "Oh, Trump has promised that the person he nominates won't be Satan incarnate, so I'm okay voting for them."
WTG Consuela!
I don't trust Collins AT ALL.
Collins cannot be relied upon.
And even if they can stall for six weeks, there's another ten weeks after the election when they can get the nomination through.
I think the plan should be to expand the Court when the Dems take the Senate. There's all sorts of options to reduce the polarization/partisanship in the Court.
Collins says whoever wins the election should appoint the next justice. I just don't know if I'm convinced that she'll stick to that, or if she'll turn around later and be like, "Oh, Trump has promised that the person he nominates won't be Satan incarnate, so I'm okay voting for them."
She will 1000% do that second one. Fuck her.
I think the plan should be to expand the Court when the Dems take the Senate. There's all sorts of options to reduce the polarization/partisanship in the Court.
Yes, and make DC a state, and every single other thing that can be done to help reverse the damage done the past few years.
I hope someone on Biden's team has a Google Docs list of all the new conflict-of-interest rules (and legislation) that needs to be put in place. Plus getting a Constitutional Amendment reifying the right to vote. Plus cutting back the number of political appointees in the executive branch. Plus making Inspectors General un-fireable except for cause (and that has to be reviewed by an outside non-partisan body). Plus requiring the President to actually fill positions with Senate-approved nominees, and fill board and commission spots (like the FEC), with something enforceable.
Basically, make norms enforceable for once.
Yeah, she can say whatever she wants before the election and then change her mind as a big fuck you after, if she gets voted out.
I think the *next* person who spills their food on McConnell should make sure to order saganaki or cherries jubilee before doing so.