And then there are people like my dad who don't agree with what is going on and won't vote for Trump but won't vote for Biden either because he is a Democrat.
I don't really talk politics with my Dad but he has flat out said he can't bring himself to vote for Democrats at all in the local and state elections. I know he just didn't vote for President in 2016 so maybe he'll do the same thing this year. I don't think there is anyway he would vote for Biden, just by being a Democrat he is way too progressive for Dad.
People like that abstaining is good enough for me.
I'm putting my efforts into Postcards to Voters. It feels like doing something, at least. [link]
In the dumpster fire of a world, Rochester just had a mass shooting at an illegal house party. Sixteen people shot, 2 dead. Since we had our own video released of RPD murdering a black man, tensions are super high here.
I just saw that news, Sophia. How awful
That, and another earthquake are the first news items I saw when I woke up at 6:00am, Sophia. How awful. I'm sorry.
If my back had let me, I would have gone back to bed (until October 17th, when I can vote early, in person).
askye, is your dad religious?
The fuck is wrong with people.
I went Census canvassing!! It was good to do something. Not a ton of activity, but some. I learned that every person counted in Baltimore city counts for a little over $1800. And I was part of 10 people getting counted so close to $20K for the city! Better than nothing is something. Hope that the flyers we leave will get a few more people to register. I go back out with them tomorrow afternoon in another neighborhood. WHEE!