Today was spent on various weekend chores. But I did the ones I'd planned to do, so yay. Now I'm sitting in a comfortable space with a cat on my lap and cold rain pelting down outside. Lovely contrast.
I'm surprised 41 lasted this long after his wife went.
msbelle, I hope the dog rescue table did well.
The booth did pretty well. It is the first year for this holiday time pet expo thing and no one knew what to expect. They gave out some info on fostering and adopting and sold several items (businesses donate beds and sweaters and jackets and whatnot to the rescue every year and then there are volunteers that make art pieces and decorated harnesses and such). The people were all nice and SO MANY DOGGOS to pet. I stayed an extra hour because someone did not show.
Lots of doggos to pet is a very good thing.
When you come out here, we're hooking you up with BARCS.
I shut Loki out of the bedroom at 6 am.
He barfed on the bathroom rug & busted back in.
It wasn't very restful.
I just ordered a crazy amount of jam for an excessive amount of money. But it's a present! (For my mother and for me.)
jam is a good present.
I need to get a present for my younger niece, who is in grad school and lives in a tiny tiny apartment with her boyfriend. Something useful that doesn't take up too much space...
Or something else consumable.
Does GrubHub have gift certificates?