doing it in the lame duck session would hurt them in 2022
The GOP doesn't have a long-term strategy anymore (and the electorate doesn't have a long-term memory); I don't think fear of 2022 would stop the GOP in the least.
That's my big concern: what leverage does anyone have during a lame-duck session? Almost none.
Besides, we'll be in the streets anyway, trying to stop the GOP from having the GOP state legislatures from claiming they can't count the votes in time, and leaving the election up to the House of Representatives (which for this purpose votes by state and thus the GOP would win).
If our democracy survives to 2021, I will train for a fucking marathon next year.
That makes sense, Consuela
I was peacefully out to dinner with my husband, blissfully unaware until we got in the car to go home that this tragedy has occurred.
I can't stop crying. It is so stupid to be so upset, but every damn day I think things can't get worse. And then they do.
I just heard and got an instant blinding headache.
Yeah I'm so fearful that in a lame duck session they won't have anything to lose by pushing it through (and possibly even more to gain if it becomes a gore v Bush type situation!). Earlier today I saw 2021 calendars at the store and was like "not close enough yet!" And now I'm scared of what else 2020 could still bring even before November!
I'm not buying a calendar until January 2nd. If anyone gives us one for Christmas, it's going under my bed, in a bag, until January 2nd.
RBG went out like a superhero of justice. I'm sure it galled her to have to give in before the election.
May her memory be a blessing.
It would be handy to believe in an afterlife where RBG could smite away as needed. Alas, I just feel a giant hole in our earthly world.