I have an aunt and uncle who live near by. For many years we have had a tradition of going out to breakfast together on Saturdays. Last March we stopped.
Lately they have been trying to persuade me to start up again. I finally played the selfish card: "It is important to me that, if you get sick, I can be sure you didn't get it from me, or because of me."
That seemed to work. My aunt changed the subject.
We'll see how long it lasts.
I placed an order for some frozen and prepared stuff from Whole Foods to be delivered tomorrow for Rosh Hashanah. (I'd thought about getting some food from a restaurant that's not too far away that has good vegan options, where I'd have to go pick up the food because they don't have delivery, but my sinuses are acting up and I've been really dizzy and so getting stuff delivered seemed like the better option.) I ordered some kosher wine with the Whole Foods order, so at least there's that, too.
Yeah, DH was lightly trying to convince me to go to the mainland for my grandmother's funeral, and it's like, "I do not want to risk being the one to get someone sick."
Good news in Katieville today: my oldest cat, Sophie, suddenly developed horrible crusty growths on her right ear. Biopsy came back today with no definitive markers for cancer and plenty for fungal infection. I am going to buy Monistat to put onto a cat's ear! I find this hilarious. Probably because I am so relieved that it's not going to be ear amputation. Her ears are very cute, like her tail and her toes and her calico coat.
DebetEsse, I'm sorry, but it looks like I missed it (I'm not sure what time it was, and I think I am 12 hours ahead of you).
-t, as far as online services, I'm trying this (a friend of mine is a member): [link]
Yay good kitty biopsy!
Now, gotta run, tons of Rosh HaShana errands to run. Shana tova, all! As the saying goes, may this year and its troubles soon be over and let us begin a year full of blessings. Pretty f---ing please?
Last night I dreamed that Buffistas wasn't a message board; it was a physical place, a converted townhouse, where people could meet IN PERSON and talk. (It actually looked a lot like the synagogue across the street from me).
But then, a couple of limousines pull up, and out step Kevin Feige and Joss Whedon. Feige had brought Whedon there to try to get him to patch things up with fandom. Except that Joss was still being an arrogant jerk who wouldn't listen to us. The rest of the dream was me walking up and down the stairs of the building, trying to reach Joss and talk to him.
Were we all sitting around on our laptops? Sorry about the walking up and down the stairs part. Not very restful.
Dreams are rarely that realistic; I'd believe us sitting around communicating telepathically.
Wait, we don't? Cindyyyyy!