After reading all that I need a drink, msbelle! I'm sorry. Also, Dag.
What she said!
Seriously, y'all are going Through It.
I just made a weird baked good with coconut flour. If only all the coconut flour recipes weren't trying to be healthy! This has zucchini and bananas and I guess I overcooked it because it looked 100% raw when I think it was actually cooked. It tastes OK. (I got the coconut flour on a whim free from a neighbor, so I'm going to give it one more shot and then pass the rest on to someone else.)
Hm, I think I've seen no to striving to be healthy recipes for coconut flour. Maybe Thai desserts? Something sweet...
Yikes msbelle. That's nuts. And vortex, oh no!! What a sad waste of buttercream.
I had a dreadful day yesterday (headache/stomach ache, barky dog, and a couple work emergencies) but today was ok. And dog is off getting groomed so I went to the store (though I should've made a list) and am doing laundry and am feeling very relaxed. Though they ought to call me to come pick him up pretty soon I think.
Also, in "wow my life is super gay" news, turns out the person whose parked motorcycle I backed into and tipped, the other week? Is someone I matched with on tinder back in like March and neither of us realized until they just messaged me having redone loaded the app and were like "wait a sec..." SO GAY
That is hilarious, meara.
So sad about the cake making travails, Vortex!
I AM DONE WITH WORKING FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS (except for the one thing that I can't get out of doing even while I am on vacation, sigh (and turning off my phone but that isn't so much working as going in to work for a minute which I will try to do tomorrow or maybe I will just not answer my phone))
And now I just want to go to bed. My day was not difficult in any interesting or unusual way but I sure am tired from it.
That is a small world, meara!
want cake now. or cookies. don't really care what kind...but there is no leaving the house for any reason right now unless it's to evacuate. Seriously regretting loaning out my respirator (for a good cause - friend was going to protests and likely to get tear gassed. Didn't predict this fire season, for sure. I do still have a few N95's which will be better than cloth masks if worse comes to worse and I do have to load up the car. Ugh. `
and were like "wait a sec..." SO GAY
That made me chuckle aloud. Awesome.
Sorry about the cake failures, Vortex. I hope the gathering is delightful.
VaCaTion Woooooo! Enjoy.
So my younger son just told me that he has been to the hospital a couple times in the last couple weeks with TIAs and heart issues. Not cool! He is however super on top of it. Seriously dieting and determined to nip this in the bud. Yes, I am freaked, but at the same time grateful that he and his wife are both super responsible and will do what it takes to fix it. He just turned 26!!!