Where we left off
I got email "I changed some of the numbers – please make sure it aligns with what you've sent to (Budget person) in the past so she can make the adjustments."
if you thought that means to further adjust her # on this current sheet to align with what had already been submitted - well, you and I and co-worker - all agree AND we would be wrong.
What she meant was make changes to the spreadsheet you sent in 2 weeks ago to match these new numbers I have decided on. Where her old sheet totaled 83 hours, the new one totals 362.
BUT, like I said, that is not what I thought she meant, so I changed the #s on the sheet she had signed to match the old #s and sent it in. And then I sent her an email saying "this is what I did since you said match them match. and also another one of these is due next Fri, so I will start on that now and get it to you soon" (To try to avoid this clusterfuck was implied).
And then she calls me. And it is clear I read the email wrong and I say, yep, I will change it back and send a corrected email and say it is all my fault. Which is what I do.
And then I sent an email to BIG BOSS and co-worker and my boss and I say - I submitted your original signed form (attachment 1). Am I correct in understanding that you now want me to change the hours you had submitted 2 weeks ago (attachment 2) to match up with the hours in Attachment 1 and submit those to Budget?
This is the only way I will proceed with work for the next few weeks. I will feed it back to them all in an email and wait for confirmation in writing that I am satisfied with.
I also learned today that our Jabber does not save conversations. That is going to limit how much I use that.
And now I am drinking. I do not think it would be wise for me to do any text-banking tonight.
After reading all that I need a drink, msbelle! I'm sorry. Also, Dag.
That does not sound feasible, Debet!
OMFG msbelle. I would be curled up in a corner crying.
I'm supposed to be on vacation in 20 minutes. Guess how much work I have left to do? If you guessed more than 20 minutes, you would be right.
And oh crap I just canceled everything I mean to backorder. Oops. Oh well, they can place new orders.
I came here to bitch about my own stupidity, but other people's stupidity burns even hotter.
If it makes you feel better MB, I was making swiss meringue buttercream for the first time and missed the part where I had to whip the egg whites to double size before adding the butter, so I added butter to the sugared liquid egg whites and now I have a buttery soup. I am attempting to soften more butter to make more buttercream, but as I am meeting my friend at 8, I am not confident that it will soften in time for me to make frosting (regular buttercream with powdered sugar, which I don't love the texture of which was why I was doing the swiss meringue).
Eat plain cake you say? Well, see that's an issue because I found some cupcake batter in the freezer and decided to use that instead of baking a new cake. Forgot that cupcakes are excellent and fudgy, but do not rise very much, so I had two flat cake layers. Get the brilliant idea to cut out rounds and stack them with buttercream in between and frost as mini cakes with three layers. Such a good idea if I hadn't forked up the buttercream.
But, good news is that the cake was a surprise, so if I have no cake, there is no disappointment.
Ugh for both msbelle and Vortex. Frustrating and somewhat angry-making, even if it's in very different ways.
Debet, sweet mother Mary. That's a whole new circle of hell. Every Buffista teacher has my respect right now. Also, an alibi if they need it.
-t, whoops. But yay vacation!
After reading all that I need a drink, msbelle! I'm sorry. Also, Dag.
What she said!
Seriously, y'all are going Through It.
I just made a weird baked good with coconut flour. If only all the coconut flour recipes weren't trying to be healthy! This has zucchini and bananas and I guess I overcooked it because it looked 100% raw when I think it was actually cooked. It tastes OK. (I got the coconut flour on a whim free from a neighbor, so I'm going to give it one more shot and then pass the rest on to someone else.)
Hm, I think I've seen no to striving to be healthy recipes for coconut flour. Maybe Thai desserts? Something sweet...
Yikes msbelle. That's nuts. And vortex, oh no!! What a sad waste of buttercream.
I had a dreadful day yesterday (headache/stomach ache, barky dog, and a couple work emergencies) but today was ok. And dog is off getting groomed so I went to the store (though I should've made a list) and am doing laundry and am feeling very relaxed. Though they ought to call me to come pick him up pretty soon I think.