So, we brought back 4 live lobsters from Maine and I just ate one of them. (I made DH cook them) It was sooooo good. I made a sweet potato to go with it that I dipped in the same lemon butter. Discovered I had no proper implements here, but pliers did the job. My belly is quite happy.
Leaves are already starting to turn. I am not ready. I am quite ready for November to be here, but not ready to say bye to summer.
Why would you not have it in 2021?
How would you have it once it's been withheld? Until you file your return, anyway.
I don't actually need to figure out how it would or wouldn't work, I am possibly just thinking about it all wrong.
I'll be spending most of tomorrow off of social media, so everyone should be prepared to entertain me here.... which won't be hard since this is the most witty and charming group of folks ever.
45 and Biden are in a dead heat in PA. I'm petrified the Cheeto will win.
Who's hosting Mystery! on PBS these days?
Alan Cumming?
an actor I like from Hustle
Hivemind question- if making a surprise birthday cake for someone where you can't find out cake preferences without ruining the surprise, should it be chocolate with vanilla buttercream or vanilla cake with chocolate ganache?
This is a real issue, because I would always say yellow cake with chocolate frosting, but recently found out through asking that my one aunt would always say chocolate cake with white frosting.
Same Maria, Same. I have been doing a LOT of texting to PA for down ballot races, so hopefully it gets voter turnout up.
45 and Biden are in a dead heat in PA. I'm petrified the Cheeto will win.
When one side is trying to make sure everyone votes and the other side wants as few people to vote as possible it is a clue how they think it will go. I do believe Trump does absolutely nothing to gain new people, and every day does something to lose people. That helps.
I'm trying to be optimistic because that is the only way I will survive until November. I just hope it doesn't drag into December.
Yes, Jesse, Alan Cumming. I did know that.
And, yes, that is who that is! I know he's played other parts since then but that's how I always think of him.
Alan Cumming is really working the silver fox look these days.
I still have the feeling that Trump will win. I feel sure Biden will get more votes, but that Trump will manage to edge out a win or court decisions where the vote is too much of a mess to have a clear winner in enough of the states that actually matter.
45 and Biden are in a dead heat in PA. I'm petrified the Cheeto will win.
Of the most recent eleven polls of PA, Biden is leading in ten of them, by an average of 5.7%. Only one poll showed them level, and that was Rasmussen.