As I am a federal employee, I am doing the payroll tax deferral starting with my next paycheck. There is no opt-out option available. Ugh.
I have freelanced so long, I don't know the answer to this, but would this hack will work?
In step 4 on the W-4 form, you can have them withhold extra money per pay period. If your payroll tax is usually $100 per pay period, couldn't you fill out a new W-4 and have them deduct it for the duration of the pause? I know it's an extra step, but (for me) it would be easier than banking it somewhere.
W-4 form: [link]
I hate so many things Trump does, but his effing with people's pay to juice the economy is just so shitty.
Ganache, always
on vanilla or chocolate cake?
Msbelle, your timesheet troubles remind me of many years ago when the new, overzealous president of the company wanted us to break down our work for the pay period in fifteen minute increments, and would call you up after the fact to discuss if something was an efficient use of your time or if you should have foreseen it would require too much time/effort for the return and spoken to upper management about finding a different solution. Without knowing, I might add, what our company was billing for various services or how to make that "worth it" determination.
Vanilla with chocolate ganache is what sounds good to me right now.
I quit a task in the middle of doing it yesterday planning to finish today and I am now just slightly farther along in that task than I was when I stopped yesterday and it's pretty much time to quit work. It's Zeno's to do list.
Matt, if I tried to do that I'm pretty sure at least half my timesheet would be filled with "maintained timesheet"
Are they not going to withhold Federal taxes at all? I thought it was just Medicare and SSA. Which you could sort of offset with extra withholding but you wouldn't have it available to cover the deferred in 2021...I don't think, anyway. Hm.
Ah, just got the announcement that my employer is opting out. That's a relief.
Are they not going to withhold Federal taxes at all? I thought it was just Medicare and SSA.
No, it's not all fed'l taxes, just the payroll tax deduction (Medicare & SSA), but it's not cancelled. It is deferred.
Which you could sort of offset with extra withholding but you wouldn't have it available to cover the deferred in 2021...I don't think, anyway. Hm.
I'm confused. Why would you not have it in 2021?
-t, I believe I pointed out that the amount of time I was having to spend on internal recordkeeping was reducing what I had available to work on projects that were bringing in money for the company and meet their deadlines. Things eventually eased up to a much saner level, I assume because the president discovered she was spending way too much of her own time micromanaging billable quarter-hours.
So, we brought back 4 live lobsters from Maine and I just ate one of them. (I made DH cook them) It was sooooo good. I made a sweet potato to go with it that I dipped in the same lemon butter. Discovered I had no proper implements here, but pliers did the job. My belly is quite happy.
Leaves are already starting to turn. I am not ready. I am quite ready for November to be here, but not ready to say bye to summer.