I read that as RPF every time.
I double check it every time I use it in a work email or document. Most likely, no one would know what it meant, but I don't want to find out!
I don't know if we even do reviews at my new company. Some things are a little loosey-goosey.
My car is now sporting a fluffy layer of ash. It's like it snowed. I haven't seen such a thing since the Oakland hills fire way back when. That one was very sad for me; I was in San Francisco and big legible flakes of fine paper from someone's library were coming down all around me.
Unfortunately for me, my apartment was in Oakland, my two cats were alone, and we had just finished removing the radiator from my car and I was stuck since DH was driving a motorcycle. A friend got her boyfriend to drive her from Hayward and picked them up for me. I'll always be grateful. There was a lot of black ash coming in the windows.
Dear lords. KB, I hope that your place will survive this. And it's wonderful that your friend's bf picked the cats.
Take care, Californians. Much no more fire~ma to you.
I know it is not likely, but if any CAistas need to get away - mi casa es su casa. If we need to quarantine, I can make the basement a living suite with everything but a shower.
Why why why do I still have to do an annual review? It's not like anyone is getting a raise.
Yeah, ours were delayed but we still had to have something on the record. So my manager just put something along the lines of "super awesome" on everyone's review, told us to sign it, and we were done.
Yesterday I got an OOO bounceback from V referring me to Y in her absence through Monday. Today I got a bounceback from Y referring me to V through 9/21. Hope I won't desperately need either of them for a couple of days, I guess.
ugh - Big Boss sent me and co-worker an email with form attached - attached email says - reminder that we need this filled out with daily activities from March 2020 ASAP!
Not me, not co-worker, not my boss have ever seen this form before. Daily activities FROM MARCH. NEEDED ASAP??!
I hate everything.