~ma, Vortex
Close at hand Thai is a very good thing.
I was too late for lobster roll lunch as they ran out, but had tasty sandwiches nonetheless. DH still thinks I am odd for finding the fog so interesting. But fog! Islands and boats that you see one moment and not the next.
might have shifted back to rain temporarily: it's just 33 degrees here
My software has gone offline. My software program that houses all the drawings and all the MAPs, Travelers, etc. That 80% of the company uses for a large portion of their jobs. Hopefully just restarting the server will fix it. Of course, even if I were on site today, I am not worthy to have access to the server room. Our IT guy was let go back in March. We have IT onsite one day a week - Thursdays. Who could have guessed that this might be a problem? WHO?
Texted & emailed our Thursday guy, who's not answering his phone. Submitted a ticket, currently on hold with IT central. And, because I'm also not worthy of being salaried, I have to clock out in...6 minutes while still keeping the site updated with developments. Easy peasy.
Well, that sure sounds fun, Epic.
Congrats, Gud!
Woo hoo, Shir!
Side-job~ma, Vortex.
My company opted out as well. Their words: "accounting nightmare."
I have to design an RFP this week and I don't wanna.
I'm not sure if RFPs or the actual proposal is the worst; they're both awful.
I am not much for campaign merchandise, but I do kinda like this t-shirt: [link]
I saw a sign yesterday that said 'Share Facts Not Germs', which I thought was nifty. There are a number of Believe Science signs around.
I just had a call where we discussed the best way to ensure everyone in the department could take time off to vote, and I realized I should probably take the day AFTER election day off too, just in case. I didn't in 2016, and it was one of the worst days in the office I've ever had.