California really needs a break.
Laura that sounds lovely. I did some text-banking stuff from my deck this weekend and it was really nice. As long as the breeze stayed up, there were no mosquitos. I need to remember to move a fan out there.
Congrats Shir!
Sorry for everybody in California.
Yay, Shir!
I decided to take the new job. Now I need to give notice which won't be fun, the timing is pretty lousy.
Congrats, Gud. Yes, I always hated giving notice. I hope it goes well. I hope it is a smooth transition.
Congrats, Gud! Hope the transition is smooth and easy
I have relocated to the living room for the workday, still with fan pointed at me. We'll see how this goes.
ion: This whole pandemic situation has totally ruined orgies.
I don't know, at least with an orgy getting tested beforehand was already on the to-do list compared to other social gatherings.
Congratulations, Gud!
Yay, Shir!
ltc is at school, I have put gas in my car, and I attempted to get money out of the ATM so I can go to the Farmer's market later, but the ATM would no cooperate.
Congrats on the new job, Gud!
Congrats, Shir!
Congrats, Gud!
I hope CA is less on fire soon.