And lo, on the third day of trying I did succeed in fastening the flea collar around Pigpen's neck. At which point he began serenely ignoring it, rather than trying desperately to get it off.
Both his daughter and Jojo tend to rub up against and cuddle him frequently, so I'm hoping it will work for all of them. Though judging from all the scratching this afternoon, all Pigpen's fleas may have jumped ship to Jojo.
Runner's World picked up the story of the local girl here who stayed in a tree all night fleeing from the bear. [link]
More detail than I knew before.
Y'all. It's a Labor Day miracle! After running around like crazy for hours after my friend's big German shepherd (who got fed up with it and went inside eventually!) the puppy stayed in his crate for 8 hours last night!!! Still means he got up at 715am but whatever!
My condolences, Trudy and family.
Timelies all!
Mr. S has been a pain today, and we're all stressed out.
Seriously tempted: [link]
I'm afraid our west-coasters are melting.
We really are melting and he bad air is not helping.