Speaking of books, I am so mad at my mother for ordering a book (the new Louise Penny) from Amazon. We love our local independent book store! What was she thinking?? (She was thinking she was already ordering something else there, is what. But STILL.)
...that does actually help. Thanks for pointing that out.
I also bought the new Louise Penny from Amazon but I don't have a local independent bookstore to love I do have a Barnes & Noble that is just one town over, which I guess is better than Amazon? But I don't have a Nook
Go, Lisa and team! Well done!
Gud, that sounds like a great offer and you definitely have a lot to think about.
Steph, FWIW, I wouldn't go either. I'm also giving your FIL stink-eye for even contemplating it.
I'm also giving your FIL stink-eye for even contemplating it.
I mean, he's developing dementia, so I don't think he really understands how serious the pandemic is. I'm willing to give him a pass, but I cannot believe that Tim and his brothers think it's fine for him to be there. They are smarter than that.
Thanks, everyone! I did nothing but sleep late and read my book today.
I'm sorry Tim's family is being like that, Steph. Bob's family has had all kinds of ill-advised (if outside) events this summer but fortunately there was no question about us flying out to be at them.
Whew! I have been trying in vain to set up a blood donation appointment online for weeks and I finally gave in and called instead and they set me up in 3 minutes. So that's a relief.
I also bought the new Louise Penny from Amazon but I don't have a local independent bookstore to love I do have a Barnes & Noble that is just one town over, which I guess is better than Amazon? But I don't have a Nook
You're OK! Especially for an eBook! My mother is having Amazon ship her a hardcover instead of walking five minutes to, again, the
independent book store we love.
Thank you for the absolution and a head shake towards your mom
I meant to have several italics in there, but you get me.