Laura: My aunt hasn't answered (she does not live on the computer because she is retired and has a newish boyfriend, good for her!) but my cousin says try Dunton's Doghouse or the East Boothbay General Store. I'll keep trying to raise my Auntie.
Maria, I'm glad you have a diagnosis, and a path -- it may not be an easy path, but we will walk it with you if you'll let us.
Cass, I'm so sorry. That's not fair at all.
Maria, I've been diabetic for many years, including while pregnant, and I know most of the ins and outs of diet, medication, and exercise. My profile is good, and you can hit me up whenever -- there are so many ways to make it easier to stick to the diet, and please know that NO FOOD is off limits. You can make room for pasta, or even a donut. You just have to make some trades. There are easy visual ways to eye portions, too -- 3 oz of meat is generally a deck of cards, like that.
I'm sorry you're going through this, though -- it's not a fun thing to deal with. But! Your sugars the next day sound right in range, so this might not be too complicated to get under control.
Did they tell you what your A1C was? That's the measure of average blood sugar over three months. And that is frankly going to mean a lot more than one reading of 300 on a day you were in pain (sugar goes up in response to illness, and also to exercise, which is fun to manage). Anyway, sorry to ramble. Love you.
Thanks, all. I appreciate the support. I knew genetics were going to catch up with me at some point, but I was still hoping to be a unicorn.
Amy, I will definitely reach out, and I may be in KOP at some point this weekend. Would love to see you, socially distanced of course.
Did they tell you what your A1C was?
7.9. My sugar this morning was 157. You're not rambling at all; your perspective is very much appreciated.
Maria, once you go through the initial getting the numbers under control the maintenance becomes a much easier task. IOW, you got this.
Got a job interview in an hour, well, just the technical screening. There's not really any pressure since I'm fine at my current job, but I still want to do well. I wish I'd had more time to brush up on my knowledge, but I've been working extra lately so I'm not going in feeling well-prepared. OTOH, I have used all the stuff I claim to know.
Good luck, Gud!
Maria, 7.9 is not the worst! If you can bring it down to a low 7 or even under in the next three months, you're golden. And 157 fasting is not totally horrible, either. The goal is under 140, but that's not too far off.
Good luck, Gud!
I'm going to have to share my screen in a minute so I guess I will close this tab. Do not want, this is such a nice little security blanket!
Maria, I know it's a shock, especially what with everything else going on. But 7.9 is not bad - I once went to a group meeting with a dietician - under the auspices of a local hospital - where people were talking about A1Cs of 12 and higher. That's not too far off the non-diabetic score. I take Metformin - and I hate the taste ... put me off food for a while ... but I got my A1C under control.
They wanted mine at 90 fasting but that was for pregnancy.