Thanks for the sympathy and advice re mosquitoes. I think they might be breeding in our potted plants which I've been watering ... possibly too much, so I'm cutting back on the frequency. I always have Benadryl ointment to hand - the bugs think I'm yummy, so I get a good number of bites and the ointment almost always works. I'm now wearing two pairs of socks, with my pant legs tucked into the top layer.
The weekend was kind of stressful - I went to the grocery Friday evening and there was a woman there who was exasperating. The store has one-way signs for each aisle and she ignored all of them ... she'd go the wrong way in an aisle, park her cart in the middle of the aisle while she searched the shelves or the freezer sections. When I went to the line to pay, she was literally right behind me - kept bumping me with her cart, put her groceries on the belt close enough that the cashier had to ask which were mine and which were hers. And when the cashier told the woman to move back, she moved forward (bumping me again). After I'd gathered up my bags and went to leave, she'd pushed her cart so it blocked the aisle. THEN, when I got home, I discovered I didn't have my wallet (not a serious problem - learning from someone else's issues, I have a wallet for cash and store loyalty cards, a card case for ID and cards and a checkbook). Thought of going back, but it was pouring rain. Went back to the store Saturday morning and they had the wallet; had a minor issue getting the wallet back, since the only identification in it was a largely rubbed out signature on the back of one card. Whoever found it took the cash, but I regard that as a finder's fee. Just happy not to have to get all new store cards.