Put your own oxygen mask on first!!
For real! I had to give that advice to a friend here who is superintendent of schools. The stress of Covid on top of all the usual life stresses is just too much.
{{Steph and family}} Those are totally distanced hugs.
{{{{{Steph}}}}} I'm sorry. Lots of good thoughts headed your way.
{{{Tep}}} That's a rough frickin day. I hope your therapist can help you get through.
{{{Steph}}} that is a rough day. I hope talking helps. I hope you find something to help.
On the light side, have you seen the First Time Hearing videos on YouTube? Young men - twins - who are exploring "old" music for the first time and making videos of their reactions. So far, the ones I've seen are positive ... but the reactions to the Rolling Stones' Gimme Shelter are priceless.
I love those guys! I keep saving their videos to watch later because watching YouTube is not something I can do much of for some reason, but what I have seen has been just delightful
I'm sorry, Tep. That's scary and stressful.
It turns out she was just very constipated and gassy.
I vividly remember having to pick up Emmett from school because of intense stabbing stomach pains and being able to relieve just with Gas-X. Which we always keep in the house now for that moment. Just a reminder that gas can be very painful.
Yeah, like I said ltc doesn't complain, so I knew it was really painful.
I was once in the emergency room (teaching hospital attached to a university) and I overheard, from the next cubicle, a college student being told that she was constipated and given a laxative. So ... it can persist into almost-adulthood.
They did an X-ray and you can see the pockets of gas and constipation and it was quite substantial. I feel like a bad momma who wasn't monitoring her bathroom habits enough.