Timelies all!
Apparently whatever work that needed to be done in front of our parking spots was done, because the signs are gone.(The work was actually done in front of the house a few doors down, but they needed people out of their parking spots so they could park their truck lengthwise.)
Steve Bannon and crew were arrested by agents of the US Postal Inspection service, i.e. the criminal investigating arm of the United States Postal Service.
That is delicious
Huzzah for the parking space, Sheryl!
Aw, my co-workers parents lost their house. They (the parents) were out of the country, though, and the person staying there got out safely. I imagine I'll be hearing more stories like that over the next few days. Been a really weird day at work. Tomorrow probably will be also.
But! I managed to get my life insurance AND my car insurance paid. I am super duper responsible!
And apparently the Postal inspectors were brought to the yacht where Bannon was hiding by the US Coast Guard. Yay!
I am still in Colorado, and was planning to drive home this weekend, but now... not so much. Here I have A/C and plenty of company and a big yard to toss the frisbee for the dog; at home I have none of that, plus fires and terrible air quality. So I'm staying for another week or so.
Stay safe, Bayistas!
As for the political news, a rumor flew around that Curt Schilling had been arrested too, which would have been-- ::chef's kiss:: But apparently it wasn't true: he would have been named in the indictment (which I read), and he wasn't.
Still a very interesting and schadenfreudey day.
Oooh, I had to read that a couple times before I realized you were talking about fire and not eviction.
ETA: -t
It's good that you have that option, Consuela. Breathing clean air is mighty pleasant.
It is an unrecognized privilege, I suspect.
Oh, ha, chrismg, I see what you mean. Did not mean to be cryptic, it was very obvious in my head!
Go, clean air, it's your birthday!
....or something like that.
My stepdad has jumped the shark, and I need to get this story out of my head (feel free to laugh, point in horror, or both):
My brother and sister-in-law are in town, and getting to see them is obviously different than in all previous visits b/c of Covid. My mom and stepdad are exceedingly cautious about coronavirus, and my stepdad seems to be crossing into Howard Hughes territory. My mom told me that my brother went to their house the other day, they visited outside on the porch with appropriate social distancing, all good. My brother went inside to use the bathroom before he left.
My stepdad told my mom -- he was 100% serious -- that the risk of contagion was too great and she should have made my brother pee in the backyard.
I was actually speechless at that. He's lost his fucking mind. (Which doesn't even get into the fact that someone using a bathroom is not a disease vector for Covid. It's bad science. BUT ALSO FUCKING INSANE.) I understand being cautious. But use the actual science that we know about coronavirus to inform your level of caution. Don't make guests shit in your yard.