My funny mind swings between being certain I won't get Covid, and being terrified I will. Make up your mind, mind. But yes, wearing masks and washing hands etc because I believe in risk reduction.
I've been so damn tired. This new job is taking all my energy. The guy whose job I'm doing promised he'd leave me documentation on everything I could possibly need; surprise, he did not.
Yeah, I go back and forth between being convinced I won't get it (good immunity, never had a flu, consistent mask and hand washing), and OMG I coughed, I must have Covid!! Since it is easy enough to get tested here I'll do so again a week or so after Brendon arrives since I'll be scheduling him anyway. Tests are reassuring. Bless NY for making it easy and free.
It doesn't seem easy or free for students here in Rochester. I guess they can only get tests if they show symptoms. But health care workers can skip the quarantine if they are tested, which would be nice, because they will be in the hospital caring for patients. And we have no way to monitor it. It is kind of a shit show!
I have this weird consipiricacy theory that I actually had it in late February, because I was SO SICK,like the sickest I have ever been in my life, and kept waking up not being able to breathe, but I did not have the flu or pneumonia. But I think if that were true, other folks I work with would have gotten sick, certainly.
Some places are doing antibody tests when you donate blood.
And it's been 2.5 weeks since I donated, with no results, so time to call and nag them.
man with mask hanging from his ear so he can vape
So that guy's a douchebag but at least he's open about it.
I went through the Covid test drive-through today (getting the whole family tested before we go on vacation) and it was incredibly weird. The closest state-run test site to us is in the middle of Bear Mountain state park so visually it's this incredibly disconcerting mix of natural beauty and military medical tents. And you have to keep your windows rolled up until you get into the tent labeled "hot zone" where they do the actual swabs, so all communication is done by guys in fatigues holding up signs at you like you're in some kind of dystopic Arrival/Love Actually crossover.
Yikes! The place I went to here is a Rite Aid drug store where you drive through the Rx pickup lane. It is a DIY swab deal. Since I had previously had it done by the pros I was comfortable doing it that way.
I think it would be hard to do it right if you haven't had it done by a pro first.
I don't know, I've HAD it done by a pro, and I'd still be worried if I had to do it myself; either about not pushing far enough back and not getting a good swab or pushing TOO far back and damaging my sinus cavity.
I wasn't comfortable with the self-swab option, and the word about town is that state tests come back within 24 hours while the drugstore tests take up to a week. (Plus, free.)