Frozen puff pastry is great, as is frozen phyllo. Seriously, who would make phyllo?!?
My hot tip for the best fancy appetizer for some money but not a lot of work: brie baked in puff pastry, with something sweet on top of the cheese, under the pastry. (Could be just jam, could be some nuts and sugar situation, whatever)
There is nothing in that video that would give the impression that I have talent.
GBBO contestants would - have - made phyllo from scratch.
I know, and one of them said she had done it once before in the 80s and said never again!
Timelies all!
Another week, another negative COVID-19 test.
I can't see making my own phyllo certainly. Probably even puff pastry—I never have so I'd probably just buy frozen!
Meanwhile, I have a sleeping puppy on my lap. Omg.
JZ reports that having talked it over with various Greek Yia yias, frozen phyllo is just as good as homemade and a thousand times easier.
So I've been priming and painting like crazy but now my right hand/wrist is acting up so I need to take a break. It's been almost a year since we moved here, and painting has given me/us the opportunity to reassess furniture placement beyond the "make a quick decision and then point the mover in that direction" design "plan" we had when we got here. It's fun, actually. Looking at things in a new way, and even though we can't really afford new furniture right now, I've been shopping for decor accessories.
Quarantine livin'.
Been working on the backyard a little, too.
It helps to have a focus and tasks that provide satisfaction, but it isn't the end of the world if they get delayed or derailed.
I have lots of puppy (well, dog) time right now, at my brother's place with their two dogs as well as mine. They are mostly well-behaved except for occasionally barking during conference calls.
As much as I love GBBO, I don't know if I'll ever have the ... whatever ... to try making puff pastry from scratch
I found a recipe for quick puff pastry from scratch, and it wasn't too bad... Here!
I used it to make apple turnovers not long ago...
I ended up going into the office today so I could print out a bunch of orders to take notes on as I validate them against projected inventory - only half done with that, but I have the printed orders for Monday, if not the big empty surface to spread them out on - and now that I'm home I am wiped out. So tired! Hopefully I can leverage this tiredness to get to sleep early tonight and then wake up and actually do some yard work before it gets hot