I can't believe ltc and Mr. S are five-year-olds. I'd say that makes me feel old, but my own kids have already done that.
Most people weren't wearing masks and she saw people coughing and sneezing. Which doesn't mean that they are sick but it's.. I think instead of running aroudn the store touching stuff I just want to be at my register and dealing with that.
We're never going to learn from the countries that have gotten a handle on this, are we?
I went out to fill up my gas tank (prep for possible hurricane) and drove home past the college campus. Saw a few students. Saw zero (0) masks.
nope we are not.
So for the past month or so the estimated cases for my county have been about the same number as the confirmed cases for the state. But that has chagned there are just over 90,000 confirmed cases for the state and about 60,000 estimated cases for the county. And about half a million estimated cases for the state...
There are people who won't take it seriously until they are sick and very very sick.
And if it gets bad enough that things have to close down again there will be people who blame it on the Democrats trying to ruin this country.
And i'll be out of a job.
I don't think my coffee is working this morning. Still not awake.
When I went to pick up dinner tonight, an elderly man already waiting for his takeout at the restaurant asked how much longer his food was going to be because he was sick—while his mask was down around his collar. I ran out the door so fast I should have yelled "meep meep!" as I was going.
Good man, Matt.
We're never going to get through the pandemic, because too many Americans are grievance-addicted morons who are actively courting death while trying to kill the rest of us.
Some days I can ignore the crazy, other days the willful ignorance is just too much to take.
My niece posted a notice about the big water park up here finally saying they would not open this year at all. She said she was good with it, then one of her friends went on and on about it being no worse than the flue (sic) and you know the rest. Anyway, there were at least 6 spelling or grammatical errors in his comment so I felt all superior and ignored his comment. Yes friends, it has come down to this level of petty.
Update from the Antipodes, or Shutdown 2: Domestic Boogaloo. Here in Victoria our daily rate of new infections has hit around 100 per million population.
The Victorian Premier has upgraded (downgraded?) our State of Emergency to a State of Disaster. Which has legal ramifications, but I mostly just find it bleakly hilarious. Anyway, for the next six weeks Melbourne will be under curfew after 8 pm, and (on top of the other relevant restrictions), we can't travel more than 5 km from your home for shopping.
Exciting times.
...we can't travel more than 5 km from your home for shopping.
Will that be onerous for you? Or for much of Melbourne?
We're never going to get through the pandemic, because too many Americans are grievance-addicted
When I peek a twitter through the lens of my passive right-wing account, it's remarkable how much grievance is out there.