Some days I can ignore the crazy, other days the willful ignorance is just too much to take.
My niece posted a notice about the big water park up here finally saying they would not open this year at all. She said she was good with it, then one of her friends went on and on about it being no worse than the flue (sic) and you know the rest. Anyway, there were at least 6 spelling or grammatical errors in his comment so I felt all superior and ignored his comment. Yes friends, it has come down to this level of petty.
Update from the Antipodes, or Shutdown 2: Domestic Boogaloo. Here in Victoria our daily rate of new infections has hit around 100 per million population.
The Victorian Premier has upgraded (downgraded?) our State of Emergency to a State of Disaster. Which has legal ramifications, but I mostly just find it bleakly hilarious. Anyway, for the next six weeks Melbourne will be under curfew after 8 pm, and (on top of the other relevant restrictions), we can't travel more than 5 km from your home for shopping.
Exciting times.
...we can't travel more than 5 km from your home for shopping.
Will that be onerous for you? Or for much of Melbourne?
We're never going to get through the pandemic, because too many Americans are grievance-addicted
When I peek a twitter through the lens of my passive right-wing account, it's remarkable how much grievance is out there.
I am getting my hair cut and some highlights today. 6 months since last very short cut pre-move. No idea what to aim for. I tried looking back at pictures and it doesn't look that much shorter, but I know it was. Also no idea what to ask for wrt to highlights. Caramel? Auburn?
Well, do you want it redder or golder?
I don't know. I want it different, not so subtle it barely looks like anything changes, but also not cheap.
What are your natural undertones? I think you could also ask the colorist that. You've had red before, right? I feel like that looks good on you.
My stylist says that red fades faster than blonde. If that's a concern.
msbelle, the auburn highlights look really good on you.
I can't decide what to do with my hair. Cut it short or grow it out? Keep dying it or let it go grey? I don't know what I want. No matter which I choose, I always wish it was the other way. Part of the problem is, of course, that I want it to be like it was when I was 25, and it ain't. It's thinner and coarser, the curl is frizzier, and the dyes seem to do more damage. Even Olaplex doesn't fix this frizz. And it grows fast; I have to dye it every couple weeks or I get more silver roots than I can happily tolerate. This is why older women so often wear their hair real short and natural grey. I went to a stylist a couple times in January; she did a good job but I wasn't really happy with it. Let's face it, I will never ever take the time every freaking morning of my life to blow out my hair with a round brush and/or take a curling iron to it. If that's what it takes to make my hair look good, I might as well cut it all off, because that's not gonna happen.