Problem resolved, my boss was fine with me not attending and we had a friendly little chat, so I guess we're good. I think maybe she just sent invites to her entire contact list without really thinking about her employees being on it. Once again, I probably got upset when I didn't need to be.
The Old Guard sounds like my kinda thing.
people. I can not get into work today. Like. WHY????
Why can't we all just have a full week off? I think we've earned it.
Thank you!
ION, I am trying to soak off my nail gel and this isn't working like the salon!!
ION, I am trying to soak off my nail gel and this isn't working like the salon!!
This is why I just wait for gels to peel off - I'm too much of a coward to soak my fingertips in pure acetone for the amount of time it takes.
I got the little clips and soak pads, but it still is about 25% there, and I have to go out so it will stay that way until later!
Of course I did the left hand first. I can hardly wait to see how well I do with my right. Ha! Good thing no one actually sees me.
people. I can not get into work today. Like. WHY????
Why can't we all just have a full week off? I think we've earned it.
Cosigned so hard
After this year, I think we've all earned about a decade off.