What are your plans for the birthday, sj? I know it is usually a much different occasion.
Laura, we've ordered cooked lobsters from the local butcher and a cake from the bakery. After dinner we're going to watch Hamilton. If ltc could keep the tantrums to a minimum it should be a good social distancing birthday.
Nice! Sounds like a perfect plan.
Both Brendon and I were tested for Covid in the last few days, and we are both Negative.
Good news!
I am excited to see people this weekend, more than I have done since March, but still all outside. Family today, friends tomorrow.
That sounds nice, sj.
I am weirdly missing Breakfast at Wimbledon. I'm sure I'll be a little sad about the fireworks etc not happening tomorrow but right now it's tennis that is getting me down. And I've missed watching many many times, so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
So far ltc has thrown at tantrum every time someone calls to wish me a happy birthday because she's not the center of attention.
I am going to spend today on the phone with insurance companies over a minor fender bender I had last night, and have a carpenter over to FINALLY get my hammock stand in working order. Saturday is the farmers' market, maybe a picnic, and avoiding the fireworks celebrations like the plague. Well, I guess the idiom is pretty apt in this case.
Yo, ltc! Suck it up child, this is Mom's day!
Tell her WE are celebrating DH's Birthday today and we are not inviting her to share our lox and bagel breakfast.
So, Happy Birthday! May your tantrum child calm down and enjoy the lobster.
I was supposed to go early morning hiking but my partner bailed because she's not feeling well (she warned me last night but this morning said she felt worse). I don't feel like hiking by myself though. Bummer. I was looking forward to some greenery. Instead I went back to sleep, and now it's 10am and I'm just getting out of bed. Oops.