You would think they would try to run a couple weeks of 'summer school' just so they could give these procedures a shakedown cruise with a pilot program and figure out how they actually work/could be made to work.
I still have no idea what Yacht Rock is, but I figure if I have to ask, I can't afford it.
I apparently do live under a rock, where the term Yacht Rock was never heard. But ya know, learn something new every day.
Both Brendon and I were tested for Covid in the last few days, and we are both Negative. This does not mean we are letting down our guard and will continue being anti-social, well not anti-social so much, but not as huggy and kissy as we would like. He goes to medical offices almost every day, but they are using very strict protocols. I am out more in New York because delivery isn't so much an option here, but my area is very low on the infection map. Also I have been the masked Laura for months.
When I was on the phone with one of my practice managers she paused to remind her staff to put away all their papers before they left for the day because they would be spraying again. Not only are they masked, and constantly wiping down surfaces and hands, but they fog the place too. None of the staff or doctors has tested positive, but they do have family and patients that are infected.
There were corporate layoffs for my company. Just saw a news article. no exact numbers but I'm worried the layoffs are going to move to a store level.
I didn't realize for a few weeks but there was another round of store level layoffs and some of the team leads and our part time asset protection were laid off.
Corporate people and executives took pay fits that I think are still on effect. Salaried managers/supervisors who stayed working while the store was closed tool pay cuts during that time (they worked more for less money but it kept jobs).
I'm worried about store level layoffs. Especially since the traffic has been slow on our store and the mall in general. I don't know if we have done enough business for a second furlough or if we have to close again if it will mean lay offs.
I know the GOP is adamant about not giving any extra money for unemployment but once that money ends and people aren't working spending will drop which means a downturn for retail and restaurants and... it's a cycle .
Also McMasters hasn't issued a wear a mask order for SC but he has said if the rate of infection doesn't slow he won't allow sports to resume. Well I think community level sports have but not college or high school. Specifically he has called out football not coming back in the fall.
Maybe that will motivate people or maybe they will get pissed off and try to claim it's communism or a violation of their rights .
I'm sorry, askye. Our whole consumer spending based economy is not looking like a good idea these days. We are at a point where we are trying to guess what Black Friday sales will be like so we can arrange for appropriate production and I keep wondering if that'll even be a thing this year or if everyone will just be out of money by then...
So what are people doing this most peculiar holiday weekend?
What are your plans for the birthday, sj? I know it is usually a much different occasion.
Otter Lake will have their annual boat parade, which is often hysterically tiny, but maybe more vibrant this year. Not sure if I will be on the party barge with the family or in a kayak. The official fireworks event has been canceled in Old Forge, but the past few nights have been very loud and colorful. I can only imagine how the weekend will be. I'll try and get out on the lake at night to watch the show.
What are your plans for the birthday, sj? I know it is usually a much different occasion.
Laura, we've ordered cooked lobsters from the local butcher and a cake from the bakery. After dinner we're going to watch Hamilton. If ltc could keep the tantrums to a minimum it should be a good social distancing birthday.
Nice! Sounds like a perfect plan.
Both Brendon and I were tested for Covid in the last few days, and we are both Negative.
Good news!
I am excited to see people this weekend, more than I have done since March, but still all outside. Family today, friends tomorrow.
That sounds nice, sj.
I am weirdly missing Breakfast at Wimbledon. I'm sure I'll be a little sad about the fireworks etc not happening tomorrow but right now it's tennis that is getting me down. And I've missed watching many many times, so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
So far ltc has thrown at tantrum every time someone calls to wish me a happy birthday because she's not the center of attention.