I miss Nutty; I went from talking to her a couple times a week to nothing, and she pretty much withdrew from most social media that I hung out in as well (it wasn't just =me=). We're all the poorer for it, alas.
Work has picked up the pace, since more things are open, though mostly what I drive residents to are medical appointments, since doctors are now seeing patients for non-essentials, and we've started up program social events (6 people apiece, widely spaced -- but reason to socialize and interact! This is huge for some of them!)... but I'm still doing the mail delivery to each room which takes hours. At least I'm busy, and useful.
Todd, it would probably be least hassle to contact Replacements, Ltd. directly and see what they'll offer for multiple place settings, plus serving pieces in your pattern. You could be rid of it in one fell swoop, in the comforting knowledge that someone will be looking for pieces in that pattern and know to go to Replacements.
Just posting that while I was thinking of it--now back to read the rest of the thread.
I didn't know Replacements did that, although it makes sense. Neat!
We are having another credit approval issue while our one and only credit approval worker is supposed to be having a day off. Every time she calls or texts about what we have to do to fix it and inevitably complains about how everyone is aggravating her (with cause!) she always says "Not you, I'm not mad at you" and it's just so sweet, really makes me feel like I'm doing SOMETHING right.
RE: Joss
oy - alan tudyk retweeted the Variety article and posted on the retweet "Wasn't there, but I have known Joss for 17 years, I honestly can't even imagine it and I have a pretty good imagination."
Like didn't post that someone was asking him about it, but had to come in with a dismissing of the accusation on a project he wasn't a part of.
Beverly, thanks for the recommendation. I do have something that might well be something they'd want. But most of what I have - that I'd like to get rid of - is 19th Century, a specific pattern of white ironstone, plus one complete tea set in soft-paste porcelain. sigh ... I buy and I buy, but never got rid of anything.
Someone called him out (Tudyk) and he responded pretty well. "I shouldn't deny another person's experience..." etc although he had to reiterate how much he likes and respects Joss and just BE QUIET FOR A WHILE, MAN. JUST HUSH
As far as I know, none of them have ever said anything about Adam Baldwin, so. Yeah.
Really? Well.
Had a glass of wine and watched the first episode of the quarantine version of The Princess Bride. So far it is as cute as you would imagine. Quibi might well win me over with this gambit.
Waiting for more orders to be approved so I can work more. Yay.
Timelies all!
Took Nova in to the vet for a followup visit. They'll have the results of the bloodwork tomorrow, but she has put on a fair bit of weight, so that's good. They noticed some thickening of the intestines, so they want her to have an ultrasound to see if the cause is IBD or lymphoma. Sigh...