I'm having kind of a bad time. I had to move out of the apartment I've lived in for 34 years ... that's literally half my life. Longest I've ever lived anywhere. I didn't want to move, but the building had been purchased by a developer and they were planning on doing a complete renovation. The building needed it, but if I stayed it would have meant living in a construction zone for ... well, anywhere up to 18 months. The rents were going to go very high ... the new owner said that carryover tenants would be kept at their current rent, with annual increases, but I'm wary of trusting them. I wonder how long would it take for rents to be raised to the market rate or, alternatively, would they create two tiers of tenants - those who came in at the market rate and the carryovers who might be denied certain amenities.
So I found a new place - rent's affordable, it's possibly larger than the old place, although with a lot less closet space. I began clearing stuff out - clothing went to a charity (they would pick up stuff!), a lot of books went to another charity. Then everything closed down and no one was accepting donations. But I kept getting rid of stuff. Scheduled a moving date - found a mover who was highly recommended - and started packing. I was reluctant to move, so I procrastinated a lot. And my body just gave out - I couldn't get everything packed by the moving date. Then the movers came over an hour early. I worked with them a little, then they told me to go ahead to the new place and they'd follow with what was packed.
They brought over the furniture, boxes and boxes and boxes of stuff. Put down the rugs I'd had delivered. And I collapsed. Realized that the movers had not brought over the antenna for the TV or the DVD player (which I'd seen them load onto one of their moving carts) or the turntable, ditto. There were some other things I'd wanted moved that they'd left behind. Got some sleep, then the next day, went back to the old apartment to see what I could collect and carry over to the new place or just get rid of.
At the old place it looked like the movers had gone on some kind of rampage. Some toiletries from the bathroom cabinet were on the floor. Some clothing I hadn't gotten packed was tossed on the floor. A pair of boots in a box had been opened and tossed on the floor. A cabinet had been opened. The refrigerator was opened and left open (I'd offered them cold bottled water ... they didn't take any, but opened the refrigerator and left it that way). Then I looked at some built in bookshelves and realized my father's clock was missing. It was an Atmos clock - which would be valuable, except it never worked. It might still be salable, but it was very decorative and had some sentimental value - it was one my father's company gave him to mark 25 years with the company. I've asked the moving company about it ... but I'll probably never see it again, which is infuriating and just makes me sad.
Meanwhile, I've had to schedule ANOTHER move and hire the company to pack me up and move me (I'm sticking with the same company in the faint hope that the clock will turn up). So I have to file for reserved parking spaces, go through this maddening process to get space and signage, etc., plus reserving an elevator at both places and the loading dock at the new place (old one doesn't have one). I'm exhausted, everything hurts, I still have to go into the office every day for a full eight-hour day (although transportation has gotten easier and less time consuming). I don't have dishes, flatware or food at the new place. I'm just ... overwhelmed.