Yikes, true dat.
By November, perhaps some hotels will be offering specially cleansed rooms for travelers. And it may be that you can trust that some chain restaurants will be all-masked-all-the-time et cetera.
We are, alas, in for a marathon of this if we as a nation don't smarten up.
I'd think that a hotel room ought to be fairly safe, especially if you check in late at night (when more time will have passed, presumably, since a previous person or the cleaner was in the room).
I did take a lunch break and walk 5 blocks down to the taco place for lunch and then across to the brand new bougie grocery store that opened last week. That'll make 10 grocery stores within a mile of me. A food jungle rather than a food desert.
I'm flying back to Florida on the 9th to go to a wedding. Originally we had reserved 3 days in Tampa for wedding festivities. I canceled those reservations and we are just driving over for the wedding then driving home. DH offered to go without me, but this is one of our basketball kids and I expect everyone will be on their best safe behavior. They had the cutest invitation, styled as a game ticket with tip off time and so forth. They are both basketball players and the families are both big into athletics.
After the wedding we will go home and pack up the dog, boat, and stuff and drive north. We might just drive straight through since there is two of us.
Timelies all!
The company that makes the piece of equipment I was concerned about sent someone out today to work on it, and it is working now. So relieved. (They are going to send someone else out to train us on maintenance, which makes sense.)
Glad to hear that, Sheryl!
I hope the wedding and all that travel works out ok, Laura
Guys, just heard a crazy and upsetting story (so feel free to skip,if you don't want to read something like that). We had a neighbor who lived catty-corner from our old house in North Hollywood. He was in his 40s and lived with his mom, who died while we lived there. He Had grown up in the house and made a living by selling stuff on eBay and seemed to be doing okay. Always friendly and smiling. Well, the police came a few days ago and took a bunch of computers and stuff from his house. He told a couple of neighbors that there was child porn on them, and then he went back in the house and committed suicide. Yikes. YIKES.
I'm sorry Scrappy. Sadly I have known several terrible stories like this.
I hope I didn't kill the thread by coming in with a dark story. I'm just kind of flabbergasted.