Although my relationship with Facebook is on thin ice, I still get the email reminders of birthdays from them. It often amuses me to picture the various people born on the same day, who don't know each other at all, meeting to toast their birthday. Today is East coast range. One Bahamian Olympic athlete friend who is living in Fort Lauderdale now, a librarian I went to elementary school with who lives in the Adirondacks, and in between our very own askye. I think these three women would enjoy each other's company quite a lot, although from seriously diverse backgrounds.
Short version - happy birthday askye!
Chyron or lower-third is what you call the labels on the bottom of a newscast.
David, what the actual fuck? I am so sorry Matilda's been put through the ringer like this.
shrift, if it's any consolation, it could be worse - I saw a story about a man who set his house on fire trying to get rid of a jillifont
Oh David, I can only imagine how frustrated you all must be.
Happy askye day!
Uuuugggghhhh, shrift. I'm sorry. That is most unfortunate.
I can barely comprehend that, Hec. No placement at all? Poor Matilda, that is awful. Why such a mess, SF school system? I mean, I'm sure there are well documented reasons and I don't really want to know what they are at this point, but OUTRAGE
Boooooo spider! Booooo SF school system!
Wear your skates.
SERIOUSLY! She played roller derby with me. When C found out what happened, he said, "Does this a-hole know he just pissed off an entire roller derby team?"
I am personally feeling dead-eyed and defeated after the latest round of SFUSD not placing Matilda in a high school at all.
Happy Birthday, askye!
Happy Birthday askye!
My kid cried for days because he swallowed his first loose tooth and the Tooth Fairy wouldn't come.
I did the same with my first tooth. I was inconsolable about not having the tooth to put under my pillow in exchange for a quarter. Meanwhile, the fact that the tooth loss was precipitated by me getting smacked in the face by a piece of rebar (which split my lower lip and made it swell up like a frankfurter) was completely forgotten.
How does Matilda not get a high school?
Thanks for all the wishes .
Mom came down and we sat outside... it's 60F!! And so I had to get her a blanket which we sprayed with Lysol and then at the end she had to use the bathroom. I hadn't anticipated that for some reason. So I sprayed everything she was going to touch and she was in and out as quick as possible.
No hug even though I wanted to but that isn't even attempting to social distance.
We kept masks on even outside for the most part.
This really sucks.
Although I saw her and that was nice. When Ican hug mom again I'm not going to let go for a long time.
I got some clothes which will help fill out my work wardrobe.
Matthew told me this morning my present was going to be a trip to the drive in. But he realized it's an hour away the movie starts at 9 and it's only on the weekends when I have to be at work the next day. So there is some back up gift that is in the works