My neighborhood is setting off firecrackers every night. I guess there will be quite a show for July 4. I've become oblivious to the noise, but my poor cat Lily is freaked right out and has to hide under the bed all night. It's weird because she hasn't been a scaredy cat till now. She's brave enough to watch vacuuming from a prudent distance.
Also it turns out that September's tiny kitten is going to be enormous. She's nine months old and already taller and bigger than Sophie and Pearl. She's built like a professional wrestler and it's hard to pick her up because she's not squishy at all. She feels like a boa constrictor wearing a velour sweater. Good thing she is gentle and eager to be friends. She'd demolish my senior girls if she were a bully.
Bang, bang, bang, pop, hiss swoosh. Oy, the noise!
It's been remarked around here that there's a HYUGE number of fireworks going off at night. My theory, seriously, is that drug dealers who are having trouble with their normal supply have branched out into the illegal boom-boom trade.
Not that you can't just drive up to the NH border (~66 miles) and buy your own.
I think my neighbors with fireworks are moving! Yay!
So my birth sisters husband makes low income senior housing in my area. I kind of want to get my mother in, but how weird is that? I am not sure she should be living alone in a house anymore, but she is so resistant, especially around smoking. I am also thinking about moving out there if we can continue to work from home, because I can work from there, but we super duper do not get along.
My favorite B&J flavor is Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz.
It's hard to negotiate senior needs for support and independence.
The contractor doing the work at my house has been here at about 7:40 each day to either drop off materials or as of yesterday, start work. Today, the day I want to leave the house - he's not here.
Not that you can't just drive up to the NH border (~66 miles) and buy your own.
Or Rhody. The local Walmart has a whole aisle full of them.
Yesterday I was out and about around 10 a.m., and there was way more traffic than I have gotten used to. Bother.
Don't move in with your mother, Sophia!
Also note that a can of wine is actually HALF A BOTTLE OD WINE AND NOW I. DRU J
I have work to review before a noon meeting, but I'd love to be the last person reviewing, but I feel like the other people will be thinking the same thing! Maybe I'll watch a Queer Eye, get in the hammock for a few and work at like 11?
Don't move in with your mother, Sophia!
This. 1000x this. nearby maybe, but not the same place or even building.
The best B&J is the oatmeal cookie one.
Karamel Sutra is my favorite Ben & Jerry's. Also, Half Baked.